Pour les parents anglophones

Soirées et cours d'information sur la naissance et gymnastique postnatale

Birth preparation courses

Saturday Course

Samstag, 30.08.2025
10:30 – 17:30 Uhr

In english

Birth preparation courses

Saturday Course

Samstag, 04.10.2025
10:30 – 17:30 Uhr

In english

Birth preparation courses

Saturday Course

Samstag, 13.12.2025
10:30 – 17:30 Uhr

In english

FAQs for English speaking parents

Birth announcement

The patient disposition reports the birth within the legally prescribed 3 days to the Zivilstandsamt Basel-Stadt. The birth is then certified. To do this, the Zivilstandsamt requires various documents that vary depending on the civil status, place of residence and citizenship.

Please submit the required documents after the birth here:
Kanton Basel-Stadt
Rittergasse 11
Postfach 1416
4001 Basel

Phone: +41 61 267 95 90
E-Mail: geburten@jsd.notexisting@nodomain.combs.notexisting@nodomain.comch

The insurance cover for an in-patient stay can be found in your insurance policy. Alternatively, you can ask the health insurer directly. If there are still any uncertainties, we would be happy to help.

Patient admission: 

Availability is only known upon time of admission. If you have several requests, please prioritise these.

Equipment and prices can be found here.

An accompanying person is actually permitted at pregnancy check-ups. 
Accompanying persons are also permitted for prenatal diagnostics, birth planning and pre-approved exceptional circumstances.

Partners and the newborn’s siblings are currently allowed to visit, as long as they show no symptoms of a cold and/or fever. 

The family room is only available to the new mother, the newborn and the father. There is no childcare available for siblings.

Yes. Our anaesthesia team can manage your pain more quickly and effectively, if you request this.

Yes, the photoshoots are taking place in compliance with the protective measures.

You can find more information here.

Soirée d'information pour les parents en attente

Vos avantages à l'hôpital Bethesda

Nous fournissons des prestations de pointe pluridisciplinaires dans les domaines de la médecine, des soins et de la thérapie, nous encourageons l'innovation et nous nous tenons au courant des dernières avancées de la recherche et de la technique. Une prise en charge personnelle dans une atmosphère familiale. Notre excellente hôtellerie ainsi que la situation calme dans le parc favorisent votre guérison.

Atmosphère familiale

Encadrement professionnel

Vos avantages
Bethesda Spital ist Mitglied bei Swiss Leading Hospitals (SLH)

Plusieurs fois récompensé