- FMH Neurochirurgie
- Interdisziplinärer Schwerpunkt Wirbelsäulenchirurgie SGNC/SO
- Zertifizierte Gutachterin (SIM)
- Fellowship für endoskopische Wirbelsäulenchirurgie an der Schön Klinik München Harlaching (Prof. Siepe)
- Ärztliche Approbation Technische Universität München
PD Dr. med. Maria Kamenova
- Minimalinvasive/mikrochirurgische und endoskopische Wirbelsäulenchirurgie
- Abklärung und konservative/ operative Behandlung von Wirbelsäulenerkrankungen
- Intradurale und intramedulläre Tumoren
05/2024 - heute | Leitende Ärztin Wirbelsäulenchirurgie Bethesda Spital |
01/2020 - 04/2024 | Oberärztin Spinale Chirurgie, Universitätsspital Basel |
01/2019 - 12/2019 | Assistenzärztin Neurochirurgie, Neurochirurgische Klinik, Kantonsspital Luzern |
01/2018 - 12/2018 | Stv. Oberärztin Neuro- und Wirbelsäulenchirurgie, Universitätsspital Basel |
07/2013 - 12/2017 | Assistenzärztin Neurochirurgie, Universitätsspital Basel |
07/2014 - 05/2015 | Assistenzärztin Neurochirurgische Intensivstation, Universitätsspital Zürich |
- 2023 Habilitation (Venia docendi) Privatdozentin für Neurochirurgie an der Medizinischen Fakultät, Basel
- 2015 Promotion (Dr. med.) an der Neurologischen Klinik der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- EANS Research Fund Prize 2020
- Research Prize SGNC 2020
- Poster Prize SGNC 2017
Heider, F. C., Kamenova, M., Wanke-Jellinek, L., Siepe, Ch. J., Mehren, Ch. (2024) Could the different surgical goals of fusion and non-fusion also be achieved in combination within the same patient? Clinical and radiological outcome of hybrid cervical spine surgery (Eur. Spine J)
Mirian, Ch., Kamenova, M.(33) et al. (2024) The importance of considering competing risks in recurrence analysis of intracranial meningioma (J. Neurooncol.)
El Rahal A., Beck J., Ahlborn P., Bernasconi C., Marbacher S., Wanderer S., Burkhardt JK, Daniel RT, Ferrari A., Hausmann O., Kamenova, M., Kothbauer K., Lutz K., Mariani L., Alfieri A., Schöni D., Schucht P., Raabe A., Regli L., Kuhlen D., Seule M., Soleman J., Starnoni D., Zaldivar J., Zweifel C., Schaller K., Fung C. (2023) Incidence, therapy, and outcome in the management of chronic subdural hematoma in Switzerland: a population-based multicenter cohort study (Front. Neurol.)
Kamenova, M., Li, E., Soleman, J., Fiebig, O., Mehrkens, A., Schaeren, S. (2022) Posterior Stabilization with Polyetheretherketone (PEEK) Rods and Transforaminal Lumbar Interbody Fusion (TLIF) With Titanium Rods for Single-level Lumbar Spine Degenerative Disease in Patients above 70 Years of Age (Archives of Orthopaedic and Trauma Surgery)
Kamenova, M., Schaeren, S., Wasner, M.-G. (2021) Intradural Extraarachnoid Sutureless Technique combined with Laminoplasty for Indirect Repair of Ventral Dural Defects in Spontaneous Intracranial Hypotension: Surgical Approach and Case Series (Acta Neurochirurgica)
Kamenova, M., Lutz, K., Fandino, J., Mariani, L., Soleman, J. (2020) Subperiosteal versus Subdural Drain after Burr-hole Drainage in Patients with Chronic Subdural Hematoma under Platelet Inhibitors and/or Anticoagulants: a Subanalysis of the cSDH-Drain RCT (World Neurosurgery)
Leu, S., Kamenova, M., Mariani, L., Soleman, J. (2020) Ultrasound-guided Insertion of the Ventricular Catheter in Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Surgery: Evaluation of Accuracy and Feasibility in a Prospective Cohort (J Neurol Surg A Cent Eur Neurosurgery)
Kamenova, M., Wanderer, S., Lipps, P., Marbacher, S., Mariani, L., Soleman, J. (2020) When the Drain Hits the Brain (World Neurosurgery)
Kamenova, M., Stein, M., Ram, Z., Grossman, R., Guzman, R., Mariani, L., Roth, J., Soleman, J. (2019) Prophylactic Antiepileptic Treatment with Levetiracetam for Patients undergoing Supratentorial Brain Tumor Surgery: A Multicentre Matched Cohort Study (Neurosurgical review)
Kamenova, M., Mueller, C., Coslovsky, M., Guzman, R., Mariani, L., Soleman, J. (2019) Low-dose Aspirin and Burr-hole-drainage of chronic subdural hematoma: study protocol for a randomized controlled study (Trials)
Lutz, K., Kamenova, M., Schaedelin, S., Guzman, R., Mariani, L., Fandino, J., Soleman, J. (2019) Time to and possible Risk Factors for Recurrence after Burr-hole Drainage of Chronic Subdural Hematoma: a Subanalysis of the cSDH-Drain Randomized Controlled Trial (World Neurosurgery)
Soleman, J., Lutz, K., Schaedelin, S., Kamenova, M., Guzman, R., Mariani, L., Fandino, F. (2019) In Reply: Subperiosteal vs Subdural Drain after Burr-Hole Drainage of Chronic Subdural Hematoma : A Randomized Clinical Trial (cSDH-Drain-Trial) (Neurosurgery)
Soleman, J., Lutz, K., Schaedelin, S., Kamenova, M., Guzman, R., Mariani, L., Fandino, J. (2019) Subperiosteal vs. Subdural Drain after Burr-Hole Drainage of Chronic Subdural Hematoma: A Randomized Clinical Trial (cSDH-Drain-Trial) (Neurosurgery)
Croci, D., Dalolio, M., Guzman, R., Mariani, L., Schaeren, S., Kamenova, M. & Somelan, J. (2018) Direct Oral Anticoagulants in patients undergoing spine surgery. (World Neurosurgery)
Kamenova, M., Rychen, J., Mariani, L., Soleman, J. (2018). The Yield of Early Postoperative Computed Tomography after Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt Placement (PLoS One)
Licci, M., Kamenova, M., Guzman R., Mariani, L., Soleman, J. (2017). Influence of Postoperative Thrombosis Prophylaxis on the Recurrence of Chronic Subdural Hematoma After Burr-Hole Drainage (Critical Care Medicine)
Croci, D. & Kamenova, M., Guzman, R., Mariani, L., Soleman, J. (2017). Novel Oral Anticoagulants (NOACS) in Patients Untergoing Cranial Surgery. (World Neurosurgery)
Soleman J., Kamenova M., Lutz K., Guzman, R., Fandino, J., Mariani, L. (2017). Drain Insertion in Chronic Subdural Hematoma: An international Survey of Practice (World Neurosurgery)
Kamenova, M., Nevzati, E., Lutz, K., Dolp, A., Fandino, J., Mariani, L., Soleman, J. (2017). Burr-Hole Drainage for Chronic Subdural Hematoma under Low-Dose Acetylsalicylic Acid: a Comparative Risk Analysis Study (World Neurosurgery)
Soleman, J., Kamenova, M., Guzman, R., Mariani, L. (2017).
The Management of Patients with Chronic Subdural Hematoma Treated with Low-Dose Acetylsalicylic Acid: An International Survey of Practice (World Neurosurgery)
Kamenova, M., Croci, D., Guzman, R., Mariani, L., Soleman, J. (2016).
Low-dose acetylsalicylic acid and bleeding risks with ventriculoperitoneal shunt placement (Neurosurgical Focus)
Kamenova, M., Lutz, K., Schaedelin, S., Fandino, J., Mariani, L., Soleman, J. (2016). Does Early Resumption of Low Dose Aspirin after Evacuation of Chronic Subdural Hematoma with Burr-Hole Trepanation Lead to Higher Recurrence Rates? (Neurosurgery)
Kamenova, M., Leu, S., Schaeren, S., Mariani, L., Soleman, J. (2015). Management of Incidental Dural Tear During Lumbar Spine Surgery. To Suture or Not To Suture? (World Neurosurgery)
Kamenova M, Hench J, Wehrle-Wieland E, Wasner M-G, Zweifel Ch, Guzman R, Jost G (2014). Ein Parasit lähmt die Beine: Echinokokkus im Spinalkanal. (Swiss Medical Forum)
Leu, S., Kamenova, M., Mehrkens, A., Mariani, L., Schaeren, S., Soleman, J. (2015). Association of Pre- and Postoperative Laboratory Values with the Outcome of Patients Undergoing Lumbar Fusion Surgery. (World Neurosurgery)
Schniepp, R., Wuehr, M., Neuhaeusser, M., Kamenova, M., Dimitriadis, K., Klopstock, T., Strupp, M., Brandt, T., Jahn, K. (2012). Locomotion speed determines gait variability in cerebellar ataxia and vestibular failure. (Movement disorders)
- FMH (Foederatio Medicorum Helveticorum)
- SGNC (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Neurochirurgie)
- SGS (Schweizerische Gesellschaft für spinale Chirurgie)
- VSAO (Verband Schweizerischer Assistenz- und Oberärzt*innen)