Operating theatre

In our modern operating theatre, surgeons, anaesthetists, instrumentation and anaesthesia nursing staff and surgical positioning nurses work closely together on an interdisciplinary basis to achieve the best results every day.

After an operation, our patients are cared for on the monitoring ward or in the day clinic.

In the operating theatre, interdisciplinary collaboration takes place in a confined space.

The main task of operating theatre nursing is the correct preparation and follow-up of operations as well as assisting and instrumentation during operations. Two specialists are always present during surgical procedures, one of whom serves and the other instruments. They are responsible for ensuring that the sterile environment is maintained and that all necessary materials are handled and disposed of correctly. This requires maximum concentration and specialised knowledge of every step of the respective operation.

Everyday life is characterised by rapidly changing, unpredictable situations. To ensure that everything runs smoothly, everything must be optimally prepared and the specialists must be able to constantly adapt to the current situation.

Surgical positioning care is provided by a team of qualified specialists who are responsible for receiving patients in the operating theatre and positioning them on the operating table specially prepared for them.

Immediately before the start of the planned procedure, the operating theatre positioning nurse ensures that patients are positioned and padded correctly to prevent slipping or pressure points. The surgical positioning nurse is also responsible for operating all medical equipment in the operating theatre.

After the operation, patients are returned to their own bed and handed over to the nursing staff in the monitoring ward or day clinic in collaboration with the anaesthetist.

The reprocessing unit for medical devices (AEMP) is a modern internal service provider for all departments at Bethesda Hospital. All reprocessable medical devices (instruments and motor systems) are managed here and reprocessed for the next procedure according to the latest findings and the current state of science and technology. This means that they can be returned to the instrument cycle as sterile medical devices and reused.

The medical devices are decontaminated (cleaned, disinfected) and sterilised by qualified employees using state-of-the-art equipment. The medical devices are digitally documented during all reprocessing steps and processes and can be traced at any time.

Operating theatre coordination ensures that everything runs smoothly in and around the operating theatre. They are responsible for ensuring that patients are brought from the ward to the operating theatre on time. Ensuring that the doctors are at the operating theatre table at the right time is also one of the responsibilities of the OR coordinator.

The coordination team also acts as an intermediary between the operating theatre and the other departments.

Drawing up the definitive operating theatre programme and making changes are also part of the tasks. In this way, emergencies can be optimally integrated into the current operating theatre programme and theatre capacities can be planned in the best possible way.

The central speciality of the monitoring ward is the post-operative monitoring and care of surgical patients.

The nursing staff are oftenthe first point of contact after the operation. They are professionally cared for by qualified nursing staff with additional training with the aid of modern equipment that monitors circulatory parameters.

As soon as the after-effects of the anaesthetic drugs have worn off, circulation is stable and pain is reduced to a minimum, patients are transferred to the ward.

Our work processes are designed to maximise conformity between procedures and customer orientation.


Your advantages at Bethesda Hospital

We provide interdisciplinary excellence in medicine, care and therapy, promote innovation and are at the cutting edge of research and technology. Personalised care in a family atmosphere, our excellent hotel facilities and the quiet location in the park support your recovery.

Ausgezeichnete Pflege und Hotellerie im Bethesda Spital

Excellent care & hospitality

Medical excellence

Your advantages
Bethesda Spital ist Mitglied bei Swiss Leading Hospitals (SLH)

Multiple certifications