Specialised palliative care - individual support with heart

A serious illness in which issues such as dying and death become foreseeable requires special care. At the Bethesda Hospital Palliative Care Centre, we are there for you and your loved ones. With experience and a great deal of understanding, your needs and wishes are always at the centre of our attention.

You place a great deal of trust in us - and we do everything we can to live up to it. Together with you, we want to achieve the best possible quality of life for you.our centre combines highly specialised medical care with human warmth and individual care. An experienced, multi-professional team provides you with holistic support - medical, nursing, therapeutic, psychosocial and spiritual - and we want you to feel safe and understood. Your needs, wishes and values guide our actions. Together we will find ways to improve your quality of life, alleviate symptoms and give you peace of mind - at your own pace, step by step.

Let us walk this path together.

«It sounds strange, but only now do I realise that André really wasn't the only one who died at your place. Someone leaves almost every day, often two or three! But we always got the feeling that we were something very special. It's simply unbelievable.»

Claudia B. (relative)

News about palliative care

Palliative Care

17. December 2024

Hildegard palliative care centre successfully relocated to Bethesda

We are delighted to announce that the relocation of the Hildegard Palliative Care Centre to Bethesda Hospital has been successfully completed. Around 80 employees and our patients have found their new home at Bethesda. With this step, we are officially expanding the portfolio of Bethesda Hospital and together we are creating a modern, appreciative space for specialised palliative care in north-western Switzerland.

The Bethesda Hospital Palliative Care Centre stands for holistic, multi-professional care that always focuses on your needs and those of your family and loved ones. We combine highly specialised medical care with individual, human warmth - both as inpatients and through our mobile palliative care team.

With the integration of the former Hildegard Palliative Care Centre, we benefit from almost 40 years of experience and expertise in palliative care. This wealth of experience forms the basis for providing our patients with the best possible quality of life and supporting them in their individual phase of life.

We would like to thank all staff, patients and relatives for their support and patience during the move. Your co-operation has enabled us to make this important step a success.

Visit our website to find out more about our offers and services, order one of our newly designed brochures or contact us directly. We are here for you.


Bethesda Hospital, Palliative Care Centre,
Gellertstrasse 144, 4052 Basel
Phone: +41 61 315 29 30
E-mail: palliativzentrum@bethesda-spital.notexisting@nodomain.comch

Palliative Care

21. June 2024

teleBasel - Broadcast diagnosis from 21.06.2023: Palliative care

The decision in favour of palliative therapy does not mean that life is coming to an end. However, palliative care is often understood in common parlance as "treatment in the last weeks of life", which is not quite true. teleBasel accompanied the deputy head physician Dr Karin Jaroslawski for a day in the palliative care centre and shows what happens in a palliative care centre.

P.S.: The programme was recorded in the old premises of the previous Hildegard Palliative Care Centre. The content and procedures at the Bethesda Hospital Palliative Care Centre are identical.

To the programme Diagnosis from 21.06.2023

Bethesda Spital / Corporate

14. May 2024

Strengthening palliative care in north-west Switzerland: Bethesda Spital AG takes over Hildegard Klinik AG

All news

Your advantages at Bethesda Hospital

Your individual needs are at the centre of our attention. Our team of experienced specialists will accompany you sensitively and attentively at every stage of your treatment. We create space for holistic and dignified care that is orientated towards your personal wishes. In a familiar and cosy atmosphere, we offer you medical, nursing and therapeutic support at the highest level. Our peaceful location in the park and the excellent hotel facilities will help you to feel at ease and find moments of peace and relaxation. Together with you and your relatives, we organise care that gives you quality of life, comfort and confidence.

Supportive care & assistance

Interdisciplinary expertise

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Bethesda Spital ist Mitglied bei Swiss Leading Hospitals (SLH)

Multiple certifications

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