The best treatment for your patients. The best service for you.

Referring/registering patients

You have various options for registering your patients with us. Choose the most convenient one for you.

Registration for outpatient clinic for gynaecology

To be able to use all the functions of the referral forms, please open the forms directly in Acrobat Reader and not in your Internet browser. In addition, please use a secure HIN e-mail address to ensure secure transmission of the forms. Acrobat Reader can be downloaded here free of charge.

Order the remittance pad

Do you prefer to work in writing by hand?

Order the DIN A4 remittance pad by telephone on 061 315 21 14 or by e-mail at zwm@bethesda-spital.notexisting@nodomain.comch.

We will send you the pad within two to three working days.

Fill out the web form on our website quickly and easily.

Communication takes place via a secure platform and is encrypted in accordance with data protection regulations. Your texts and files are protected against access by unauthorised persons at all stages of transmission.

How does DocBox work?

Thanks to a direct connection to the practice information system, master data and referral information can be automatically transferred to the application. As the referring doctor, you save time and the process is less prone to errors.

What are your benefits?

  • electronic registration directly from the practice software
  • no typing, no printing - less effort, fewer queries, fewer errors
  • immediate confirmation after successful transmission of information to the hospital

Already working with DocBox?

  • Add Bethesda Hospital to your favourites to be able to select them with one click.
  • Do you share the process with your practice staff? You can cache notifications and someone else or yourself can edit them later.
  • Create Bethesda templates and access pre-filled registration forms to process recurring referrals even faster.

You are not yet working with DoxBox, but would like to?

  • Check whether you work with one of the practice software providers listed below.
  • Get in touch with us. zwm@bethesda-spital.notexisting@nodomain.comch / Tel. 061 315 21 14
  • We take care of DocBox access (licence) for your practice.
  • We train you and your practice staff on site in your practice on how to use DocBox.

Our operational offer

We specialise in gentle, minimally invasive surgical procedures. This includes both vaginal and laparoscopic surgical procedures. The advantages of this procedure are lower complication rates and a shorter inpatient stay. We offer the following operations:

Laparoscopic surgical technique

  • diagnostic and therapeutic
  • Uterine operations (myoma removal, hysterectomy)
  • Fallopian tube and ovarian operations (cysts, tumours, etc.)
  • Endometriosis
  • Uterine and cervical tumours including lymph node removal (sentinel technique)
  • Prolapse conditions

Vaginal surgical technique (without visible scars)

  • Surgery on the external genital organs and the vagina
  • Operations for prolapse
  • All incontinence operations (sling, Botox, etc.)
  • Removal of the uterus
  • Uterine endoscopy (hysteroscopy) and curettage (removal of polyps/myomas, etc.)
  • Endometrial ablation (cauterisation of the uterine lining in the event of heavy bleeding)
  • Radiofrequency ablation of fibroids (Sonata® treatment)

Other procedures

  • Benign and malignant breast diseases

Gynaecology team

We do our best for you and your patients.

Dr. med. Jörg Humburg

Leitung Frauenmedizin, Chefarzt Beckenbodenzentrum und Gynäkologie
Tel +41 61 315 28 28

Durdica Ukella

Chefarztsekretärin Frauenmedizin, Teamleiterin Sekretariat Frauenmedizin
Tel +41 61 315 28 15

Petra Dörrer-Hahl

Chefarztsekretärin Beckenboden

Beatrix Zumbühl

Tel +41 61 315 28 10

Our specialists in the media

Our specialists are regularly interviewed and quoted on specific topics. Take a look at our media centre and discover interesting articles!

Bethesda Hospital media centre



Bethesda Spital / Corporate

04. March 2025

Positive mention of the orthopaedic clinic at Bethesda Hospital in Kassensturz

The orthopaedic clinic at Bethesda Hospital was positively highlighted in an article in the consumer magazine Kassensturz on 4 March 2025. The reason for this is the recording of Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs), which measure the success of treatment from the patient's perspective.

The programme discussed the fact that although Switzerland has an expensive healthcare system, it does not always perform well when it comes to collecting quality data. PROMs are considered an important indicator as they directly reflect how patients are doing after treatment.

The Orthopaedics Clinic at Bethesda Hospital already actively uses these measurements, for example for shoulder operations. Patients regularly indicate how well they can use their shoulder again. This form of quality measurement offers a valuable addition to classic indicators such as complication or infection rates.

Bethesda Spital / Corporate

28. February 2025

Five times in a row: Bethesda Hospital remains one of the "World's Best Hospitals" in 2025

Every year, the American news magazine "Newsweek" selects the best hospitals in the world. This year, over 2400 hospitals in 30 countries were assessed - and Bethesda Hospital was once again successfully included.

For the fifth time in a row, Bethesda Hospital has achieved a very good ranking among the top hospitals in Switzerland. As in the previous year, it also achieved an excellent 13th place in 2025. This repeated recognition for 2025 is a great confirmation of our ongoing commitment to healthcare and emphasises the consistently high quality of our work.

The ranking is based on a comprehensive evaluation process, including an online survey of thousands of medical experts, patient experience data and hospital quality metrics.

Click here for the ranking

Palliative Care

17. December 2024

Hildegard palliative care centre successfully relocated to Bethesda

We are delighted to announce that the relocation of the Hildegard Palliative Care Centre to Bethesda Hospital has been successfully completed. Around 80 employees and our patients have found their new home at Bethesda. With this step, we are officially expanding the portfolio of Bethesda Hospital and together we are creating a modern, appreciative space for specialised palliative care in north-western Switzerland.

The Bethesda Hospital Palliative Care Centre stands for holistic, multi-professional care that always focuses on your needs and those of your family and loved ones. We combine highly specialised medical care with individual, human warmth - both as inpatients and through our mobile palliative care team.

With the integration of the former Hildegard Palliative Care Centre, we benefit from almost 40 years of experience and expertise in palliative care. This wealth of experience forms the basis for providing our patients with the best possible quality of life and supporting them in their individual phase of life.

We would like to thank all staff, patients and relatives for their support and patience during the move. Your co-operation has enabled us to make this important step a success.

Visit our website to find out more about our offers and services, order one of our newly designed brochures or contact us directly. We are here for you.


Bethesda Hospital, Palliative Care Centre,
Gellertstrasse 144, 4052 Basel
Phone: +41 61 315 29 30
E-mail: palliativzentrum@bethesda-spital.notexisting@nodomain.comch