«Whether conservative or surgical - the best form of treatment for the patient is decided during the consultation. »
Clinic for Gynaecology, Bethesda Hospital
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08. August 2023
Gynaecology is the core competence of Bethesda Hospital Basel, with a focus on gentle, minimally invasive surgical procedures. This includes both vaginal and laparoscopic surgical techniques
From puberty to the menopause, from routine examinations to the treatment of an illness: Bethesda Spital Basel provides comprehensive support for women in all situations and is a point of contact at eye level for everything to do with gynaecology. As the hospital is at the cutting edge of research and technology, it offers a wide range of innovative forms of treatment.
Gynaecological diseases such as fibroids, endometriosis, uterine cancer, pelvic floor prolapse, breast cancer (mammary carcinoma), cystitis or urinary incontinence can require a variety of treatment methods. Bethesda Spital Basel offers both conservative and surgical treatment. In consultation with the patient, we decide which form of treatment is best for her.
«Whether conservative or surgical - the best form of treatment for the patient is decided during the consultation. »
Surgery is often advisable and unavoidable for well-being. Minor operations are performed on an outpatient basis, after which the patient recovers at home. For larger operations, women are treated as inpatients. Minimally invasive surgical procedures such as vaginal and laparoscopic surgery (buttonhole surgery) are favoured. In the latter, a narrow instrument is used for which a tiny incision is sufficient. The advantages of these procedures are lower complication rates and a shorter hospitalisation. In addition, the scar after the operation is significantly smaller than after a classic procedure.
Sonata® treatment is one of these minimally invasive forms of therapy. It is currently only carried out at specialised centres. The Clinic for Gynaecology at Bethesda Hospital is the only centre in north-western Switzerland to offer it. In Sonata® treatment, the fibroid is heated with a special device under ultrasound guidance and thus caused to shrink. It is suitable for women who have symptoms such as pain and heavy bleeding due to fibroids. Previously, the only options were to insert a hormone-containing coil or, as a next step, to undergo surgery and possibly even remove the uterus. Sonata® treatment, also known as radiofrequency ablation, is currently regarded as the gentlest method of surgically treating fibroids. Although this treatment method has been around for some time, the data and success rate mean that it is now really starting to catch on.
Transvaginal laser therapy, on the other hand, can be used to treat problems such as dry vaginal mucous membranes - for example during the post-menopause - or stress urinary incontinence. However, the primary application spectrum is not of a cosmetic or aesthetic nature, as is the case with vaginal tightening, for example. Laser therapy can be a good alternative treatment if, for example, medication is intolerable or surgery is too stressful for patients. It is known that women experience significant relief or improvements after the first application. As a rule, this laser therapy is carried out at intervals of four to six weeks and about three times.