Bladder and pelvic floor centre - your contact for intimate issues

At the Bladder and Pelvic Floor Centre at Bethesda Hospital, we are there for you with a great deal of empathy. Various specialists from the fields of gynaecology, urology, surgery, gastroenterology, radiology and physiotherapy work hand in hand here and offer you the best interdisciplinary cooperation. Our Bladder and Pelvic Centre stands for cutting-edge medicine combined with the typical personal support at Bethesda Hospital.

Although uncontrolled loss of urine or pelvic floor prolapse, for example, are very common, many sufferers are ashamed to talk about them. Our team is sensitised to these sensitive issues for many women and will clarify your complaints with a great deal of understanding. We will provide you with expert advice on the various treatment options - always taking your individual needs and expectations into account. At your request, your referring doctor will be involved in the clarifications and treatments so that the person you trust is always informed.

We carry out all investigations and advise you on the most common female complaints such as involuntary loss of urine, hyperactive bladder, bladder problems, cystitis, prolapse and problems in the genital area. If necessary, further examinations such as ultrasound, pressure measurements in the bladder, cystoscopy, computer tomography (CT), MRI, etc. are carried out or arranged.

We are here for you.

Our experience shows that successful treatment can also be achieved without surgery. The treatment depends on the causes of the symptoms - lifestyle changes, physiotherapy of the pelvic floor, medication, pessaries, special urotherapies and product recommendations for intimate hygiene often already show good results. We will be happy to tell you more about this in our consultation.

We are here for you.

If conservative treatments do not bring the desired success, it is time to consider surgery. From the large number of different possible interventions, we will choose the most suitable one for you together. We perform many of our procedures using the latest minimally invasive techniques (keyhole surgery) - for others, we favour tried and tested methods.

We are here for you.

Are you affected?

Use our quick and easy self-test to find out whether a consultation with us would be advisable. If you answer YES to one or more of the questions, we recommend more detailed clarification.

  • Do you have to go to the toilet frequently (every 1 to 2 hours) because of the urge to urinate, but sometimes only dribble?
  • Do you wake up more than once during the night because of the urge to urinate?
  • If you have to go to the toilet urgently, is it possible that you then lose urine?
  • Do you leak urine when coughing, lifting weights or jumping?
  • Do you often suffer from bladder infections?
  • Do you have the feeling that urine remains in your bladder after you have been to the toilet?
  • Do you suffer from an annoying foreign body sensation in the vagina, especially when sitting?

«Our therapy should take your individual needs and ideas into account.»

Dr J. Humburg, Head Physician Gynaecology

Our philosophy

Our interdisciplinary specialists have many years of experience in their specialist field and have all held senior positions for many years.

Our experts liaise on an interdisciplinary basis so that even complex cases can be treated successfully. To this end, our specialists meet regularly at so-called "pelvic floor boards". This is where complex, difficult and interdisciplinary clinical pictures are discussed and treatments are planned together.

We endeavour to treat your symptoms conservatively wherever possible and, if necessary, surgically in the long term. We take sufficient time to discuss your individual and holistic advice with you and are there for you throughout your treatment.

Gynaecological diseases

Our specialists have summarised the most common diseases that we treat in our clinics for you. Find out about symptoms, frequency and treatment options here.

We are happy to take time for you - the disease database is in no way intended to replace a personal consultation.

We are here for you.

You are in good hands with us: At Bethesda Hospital, we have been specialising in women's medicine for many years - this is one of our core areas of expertise and we offer you the best treatment in Basel and north-western Switzerland.

With us you will find top-class medicine combined with the personal atmosphere that is typical of us.

The best interdisciplinary treatment

Because gynaecological diseases are often very complex, we work closely with the teams in related fields. Together, we work hard for you - so you are always in good hands with us and receive the treatment that is tailored to your condition. We work on an interdisciplinary basis in the following areas:

Bethesda Hospital Media Centre

Our specialists in the media

Our specialists are regularly interviewed and quoted on specific topics. Take a look at our media centre and discover interesting articles!

FAQs zum Beckenbodenzentrum

Haben Sie Unsicherheiten oder Dinge, die Sie beschäftigen innerhalb unseres Fachgebiets?
Wir haben die häufigsten Fragen zusammengetragen, beantwortet von unseren medizinischen Expertinnen und Experten.

Haben Sie weitere Fragen, die Sie hier nicht beantwortet finden?
Sie können uns gerne kontaktieren – wir helfen sehr gerne.

Was tun bei Urininkontinenz? Unfreiwillig Urin zu verlieren ist ein Tabu. Dabei ist rund jede dritte Frau davon betroffen und kann sich helfen lassen. Bei uns behandeln wir betroffene Personen immer mit verschiedenen konservativen Methoden - etwa durch Anpassen der Trinkmenge oder mit einem gezielten Blasentraining.

Ergänzung sind verschiedene Formen der Elektrostimulation möglich oder eine medikamentöse Unterstützung. Führen diese Methoden nicht weiter, kann auch ein operativer Eingriff helfen. So kann zum Beispiel ein Blasenband eingelegt werden, welches die Harnröhre stützt.

Ja, es gibt für alle Formen effektive Behandlungen, konservativ und operativ.

Typische Symptome einer Blasenentzündung sind:

  • Schmerzen oder Brennen beim Wasserlassen
  • erschwertes Wasserlassen (Dysurie)
  • ständiger Harndrang
  • Harndrang nachts
  • Schmerzen und Krämpfe im Bereich der Blase

Die einfachste Behandlung ist, mehr zu trinken, damit die Bakterien aus der Blase gespült werden. Da dies aber meistens schmerzhaft ist, können Sie die Beschwerden während einigen Tagen auch durch schmerzstillende, abschwellende Medikamente lindern oder Antibiotika einnehmen. Treten mehr als zwei Entzündungen in sechs Monaten oder mehr als drei pro Jahr auf, handelt es sich um eine chronische Form. Bei chronischen Verläufen sollten prophylaktische Massnahmen im Vordergrund stehen. Zögern Sie nicht und lassen Sie sich von unserem spezialisierten Team beraten.

Sollte auch nach Abheilung der Entzündung noch Blut nachweisbar sein oder Schmerzen bestehen, so ist sicherlich zumindest eine Blasenspiegelung sinnvoll.

Your advantages at Bethesda Hospital

We provide interdisciplinary excellence in medicine, care and therapy, promote innovation and are at the cutting edge of research and technology. Personalised care in a family atmosphere, our excellent hotel facilities and the quiet location in the park support your recovery.

Ausgezeichnete Pflege und Hotellerie im Bethesda Spital

Excellent hotel business

Medical excellence

Your advantages
Bethesda Spital ist Mitglied bei Swiss Leading Hospitals (SLH)

Multiple certifications

Courses & Events

Our next pelvic floor courses

Sanfte Gymnastik & Stretching

Dienstag, 18.07.2023 – Dienstag, 30.06.2026
18:00 – 19:00 Uhr

Samstagskurs für Paare

Samstag, 08.03.2025
10:00 – 17:00 Uhr


Sonntag, 09.03.2025
10:00 – 11:00 Uhr

All courses & events