Myomas - targeted treatment of growths in the uterus

Many women have a fibroid in their body and don't even feel it. This is not a problem as long as the fibroid does not cause any pain or other symptoms. Myomas are the most common gynaecological disease in women - find out everything you need to know about how our specialists detect and treat myomas.

Only around a quarter of women affected by a fibroid have symptoms.
Only around a quarter of women affected by a fibroid have symptoms.

Benign, but often the cause of pain

What exactly is a fibroid tumour?

The definition is that it is a benign tumour in the uterus in which muscle cells grow nodularly. Depending on its size and nature, a fibroid causes different symptoms - and in the best case, none at all. A myoma (lat. uterus myomatosus) does not necessarily have to be dangerous: The benign growths are very common, affecting between a third and half of all women of reproductive age. Myomas can be tiny or as big as a football and weigh several kilos - as their growth is linked to hormone levels, they usually recede during the menopause.

What to do with a fibroid?

This varies from patient to patient: In addition to abdominal pain, the symptoms that fibroids can cause include increased menstrual bleeding as well as problems with the desire to have children and complications during pregnancy. The diagnosis of fibroids is very simple nowadays and there are other treatment options in addition to surgery. Talk to us and let us work together to find the best way for your well-being!

Important to know

Find out everything you need to know about the clinical picture of fibroids and find out about the various treatment options available from us.

Cause of diffuse abdominal pain

Only around a quarter of women affected by a fibroid have symptoms. These usually manifest themselves in the following symptoms:

  • Bleeding disorders and the resulting anaemia; menstrual cycle disorders,
    Constipation or increased urge to urinate
  • Abdominal pain when the fibroid grows or twists. The pain can affect the abdomen, lower abdomen, rectum and bladder
  • Infertility and complications during pregnancy and childbirth

We are happy to be there for you in our myoma consultation and will take the time to clarify your symptoms.

Are you unsure whether you have a fibroid? Make an appointment for an examination.

Is a fibroid dangerous?

Fibroids can often be detected during an ultrasound scan as part of a routine gynaecological examination. Their size and position can be precisely determined, which provides information about the resulting symptoms.

Even if a fibroid is not dangerous, it can still cause severe pain. In many cases, long-term treatment, which in most cases involves the removal of the fibroid, is also necessary if you wish to have children.

Are you unsure whether you have a fibroid? Then make an appointment for an examination.

Recognising and treating fibroids individually

Surgical removal of the fibroid

The larger a fibroid is, the more extensive the operation to remove it. It is therefore important that women suffering from abdominal pain or an unfulfilled desire to have children contact our specialists as soon as possible. In this way, the operation can be performed under the best possible conditions and with the greatest possible care.

Today, minimally invasive surgical techniques are used to remove fibroids. The fibroid is removed through a uterine or abdominal endoscopy. This means that patients experience little pain, recover quickly from the procedure and do not suffer any major scars. Bethesda Hospital has a great deal of expertise in the field of modern, gentle surgical procedures and is one of the top addresses for such operations in north-west Switzerland.

Hormonal treatment of fibroids

In the case of very heavy menstrual bleeding caused by a fibroid, this can be reduced by hormone therapy. This usually has no direct effect on the fibroid, but can sometimes significantly improve the symptoms caused by it. However, this therapy is only suitable for women who no longer wish to have children and is mostly used in older women shortly before the menopause.

Other treatment options for fibroids

  • Sonata® treatment: This new form of therapy is currently only carried out at specialised centres. The Clinic for Gynaecology at Bethesda Hospital is currently the only centre in north-western Switzerland to offer it. In Sonata® treatment, the fibroid is heated in the operating theatre under ultrasound guidance using a special device, causing it to shrink. This procedure is known as radiofrequency ablation or Sonata® therapy and is currently regarded as the gentlest method of treating fibroids surgically.
  • Myoma embolisation: In this therapy, the blood vessels that supply the myoma are sealed ("embolised"). This is done using small beads that are inserted via a catheter through the inguinal artery. This causes the fibroid to die.

Are you unsure whether you have a fibroid? Then make an appointment for an examination.

Every third woman

Only women of reproductive age are affected by this disease: Around 30 to 50 per cent of them develop a fibroid during their reproductive years. One in three women between the ages of 30 and 40 has a fibroid in her uterus.

Are you unsure whether you have a fibroid? Then make an appointment for an examination.

New form of therapy for fibroids - Diagnosis programme on telebasel

How the new Sonata method works is presented in the Diagnose programme. In Diagnose Talk, Diana Bevilacqua talks to gynaecologist Anzhela Albrecht and her patient about their experiences.

«Bethesda Hospital has a great deal of experience in minimally invasive operations.»

Dr J. Humburg, Head of Gynaecology & Head of the Clinic for Women's Medicine

FAQs zu Myomen

Wir haben die häufigsten Fragen rund um Myome zusammengetragen, beantwortet von unseren medizinischen Expertinnen und Experten. Haben Sie weitere Fragen, die Sie hier nicht beantwortet finden? Sie können uns dazu gerne kontaktieren – wir sind gerne für Sie da.

Die Grösse eines Myoms kann von weniger als einem Millimeter bis weit über 15 Zentimeter reichen. Bei einem sehr grossen Myom oder mehreren Myomen führt dies oft zu einer Grössenzunahme der Gebärmutter – auch ein angeschwollener, schmerzender Bauch kann Folge eines sehr grossen Myoms sein.

Sogar die allermeisten Myome verschwinden in den Wechseljahren ganz von selber wieder. Bis dann können sie aber jederzeit für Beschwerden sorgen, zum Beispiel wenn sie wachsen, zerfallen oder sich verdrehen.

Bösartige Myome sind sehr selten – nur in einem von tausend Fällen entartet ein Myom und wird zu einem aggressiven Tumor. Dies geschieht ausschliesslich bei Frauen nach der Menopause.

Mit der Sonata®-Therapie gibt es ein neuartiges Verfahren, das nur minim invasiv ist und eine sehr hohe Erfolgsquote aufweist.

Die bisher existierenden Daten zeigen, dass erfolgreiche Schwangerschaften nach dieser Therapie möglich sind. Gerne beantworten wir Ihre Fragen dazu in einem persönlichen Gespräch

Chefarzt, Dr. med. Hansjörg Huemer beim Ultraschall mit einer Patientin
Chefarzt, Dr. med. Hansjörg Huemer beim Ultraschall mit einer Patientin
(Bethesda Spital)

The specialists on the topic of fibroids

The clinical picture of myoma falls within the specialist area of our gynaecology team.

Our experienced specialists will be happy to help you - let them advise you individually as to which of the gynaecology clinic's services is best suited to your needs.

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