Registration: Monday to Friday 8.00-17.00
Consultation hours: Monday to Friday 8.00-18.00
We offer outpatient psychiatric-psychosomatic and psychological assessments and treatments in the following areas:
- Patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain, especially back pain
- Psychological consequences of illnesses, operations and accident injuries
- Group treatments for pain patients and patients with stress-related illnesses (relaxation techniques and pain management training)
- Psychosomatic disorders in the context of gynaecology and obstetrics
- Patients with psychological difficulties together with their relatives before and during pregnancy and after birth (e.g. unfulfilled desire to have children, IVF, postpartum depression, psychological consequences of traumatic births)
- Pregnancy conflict counselling
- Cancer (psycho-oncology), also as part of the Basel Bethesda Hospital Breast Centre
- Post-traumatic stress disorders, trauma-related disorders
- Clarification in the context of obesity surgery for morbid obesity (bariatric surgery) and post-operative follow-up care
- Assessment and treatment of sleep disorders as part of the Centre for Sleep Medicine Basel
- Psychiatric consultations and interdisciplinary collaboration with the clinics for anaesthesia, neurology, pain medicine, rheumatology, rehabilitation, radiology, internal medicine, orthopaedics, hand surgery and general surgery