Pelvic floor strengthening and relaxation for urinary incontinence

Many women and men of all ages are affected: Uncontrolled loss of urine. They are no longer able to determine the time of bladder emptying themselves, as their bladder is no longer able to store urine for long periods of time. For example, women who have just given birth or men with prostate problems often suffer from bladder problems. Urinary incontinence is often caused by pelvic floor weakness, which can be successfully treated with targeted physiotherapy. However, insufficient relaxation can also lead to an overactive bladder (irritable bladder) and pain. The pelvic floor physiotherapy team at Bethesda Hospital will be happy to advise you on how you can be helped.

Urinary incontinence is one of the most common disorders in women.
Urinary incontinence is one of the most common disorders in women.

Stress and urge incontinence

There are two main types of urine leakage: Stress incontinence is characterised by the involuntary leakage of urine when there is an increase in pressure in the abdomen due to physical strain or exertion. This can happen, for example, when coughing, laughing, sneezing, lifting heavy objects, jogging or jumping on a trampoline.

Urge incontinence (over active bladder, OAB for short), on the other hand, refers to an excessively strong urge to urinate, resulting in frequent trips to the toilet. Stress or cold can exacerbate the irritable bladder, as can situations such as unlocking the front door after holding back urine for a long time. Urge incontinence can also occur in combination with stress incontinence (mixed incontinence). Talk to us and let us define the appropriate therapy for your condition.

Important to know

Find out everything you need to know about strengthening and relaxing the pelvic floor and find out about the various treatment options we offer.

Causes of uncontrolled urine loss

Most people affected suffer from stress incontinence. However, an overactive bladder (irritable bladder) also affects quality of life, as do the mixed forms of both types. It is important to differentiate between the various forms, as their treatments differ. The following symptoms can occur:

  • stress incontinence: loss of urine when straining, such as coughing, sneezing, lifting weights, walking, standing up or doing sport
  • overactive bladder (irritable bladder, urge incontinence): strong, unsuppressible urge to urinate, sometimes with involuntary, sudden, uncontrollable loss of urine; in some cases, the urge to urinate is so strong that you have to get up several times during the night to empty your bladder

Would you like to become more aware of your pelvic floor and be able to tense and relax it? Then make an appointment with our physiotherapy team!

Would you like a medical assessment? Please contact our bladder and pelvic floor centre.

How do you recognise urinary incontinence?

In addition to the clinical assessment in our pelvic floor centre , physiotherapy offers various options for determining the severity of incontinence.

The severity of the incontinence can be determined during the initial consultation with the patient The leakage test (PAD test) provides information about the amount of urine loss. The cough test provides information on whether stress incontinence is present. In addition, a drinking and micturition diary is started. Analysing the diary together during therapy provides an overview of the amount drunk, the number of visits to the toilet and the amount of urine excreted.

Would you like a medical assessment? Our bladder and pelvic floor centre will be happy to help you.

Recognising and treating urinary incontinence individually

Treatment through physiotherapy

There are various ways to treat urge or stress incontinence: The focus here is on awareness training, strengthening and relaxation of the pelvic floor muscles.

In order to make the activity of the pelvic floor visible, the tension of the pelvic floor muscles can be visualised using a vaginal or anal probe and the biofeedback programme. Other components of the therapy include learning how to reduce internal abdominal pressure during everyday activities and tips on how to calm the bladder. To ensure the success of the treatment, an individual home programme is also developed.

The pelvic floor physiotherapy team places particular emphasis on individual counselling and support for patients. The exact situation and the planned steps are explained using pelvic floor models and other illustrative material. Patients receive information material and, if desired, home equipment. The therapy always takes place as an individual treatment in a quiet environment, carried out by qualified physiotherapists with recognised additional training in pelvic floor therapy for women and men.

Treatment by means of an operation

If conservative methods do not lead to the desired result, surgery may be necessary. The operation can affect either the bladder or the pelvic floor. Thanks to the many different options available, we can offer you individualised therapy that precisely meets your needs and improves your quality of life in the long term. The specialists at the Pelvic Floor Centre at Bethesda Hospital can also treat complex cases on an interdisciplinary basis and are happy to help you.

Contact our bladder and pelvic floor centre.

Contact our physiotherapy team.

Almost every third woman is affected

Urinary incontinence is one of the most common disorders in women. On average, 30% of the female population is affected, with the different forms occurring with varying frequency at different stages of life. In general, stress urinary incontinence is the most common, accounting for 50% of cases. This is followed by overactive bladder (15%), which can occur either as a dry form without urine loss (60%) or as a wet form (40%). In 30 % of cases, it is a mixed form.

In men, around 11% are affected by urinary incontinence.

FAQs zur Beckenbodenstärkung

Wir haben die häufigsten Fragen rund um die Beckenbodenentspannung und -stärkung zusammengetragen, beantwortet von unseren medizinischen Expertinnen und Experten.

Haben Sie weitere Fragen, die Sie hier nicht beantwortet finden? Sie können uns dazu gerne kontaktieren – wir sind gerne für Sie da.

Sprechen Sie mit Ihrem Arzt oder Ihrer Ärztin über Ihre Blasenschwäche, damit festgestellt werden kann, was für eine Ursache zugrunde liegt. Sollte es sich um eine Belastungs- oder/und Dranginkontinenz handeln, empfehlen wir eine Beckenbodentherapie bei unseren speziell dafür ausgebildeten Physiotherapeutinnen. Dort erhalten Sie neben einer auf Sie angepassten Therapie auch wertvolle Tipps sowie Übungen für zu Hause.

Bis zum Abstillen oder bis die Monatsblutungen wieder regelmässig eintreten, sind Gewebe, Bänder, Muskeln und Gelenke noch hormonell bedingt weich bzw. instabil. Das heisst, dass der Sportbeginn sehr vom individuellen Zustand abhängt – am besten lassen Sie sich bei uns beraten.

Häufig besteht die Inkontinenz nach der Prostataoperation nur wenige Monate. Durch ein regelmässiges Beckenbodentraining unter Anleitung einer speziell ausgebildeten Physiotherapeutin bereits vor und auch nach der Operation wird der gewünschte Zustand meistens viel schneller wieder erreicht.

The experienced specialists at Bethesda Hospital will be happy to help you.
The experienced specialists at Bethesda Hospital will be happy to help you.
(Bethesda Hospital )

The specialists in strengthening and relaxing the pelvic floor

Our pelvic floor physiotherapy team specialises in strengthening and relaxing the pelvic floor in cases of urinary incontinence and pain. Our experienced specialists will be happy to help you - let them advise you individually on the right programme for your needs.

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We provide interdisciplinary excellence in medicine, care and therapy, promote innovation and are at the cutting edge of research and technology. Personalised care in a family atmosphere, our excellent hotel facilities and the quiet location in the park support your recovery.

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