Back at home - support in your new everyday life

In the postnatal period, Bethesda Hospital supports mum and baby in the postnatal period and in starting everyday life together. Our certified breastfeeding counsellors are happy to help with any questions and problems you may have - not only during the monthly breastfeeding meetings, where mothers can exchange ideas and ask questions.

Our offer is rounded off with courses such as postnatal gymnastics with or without a child, water gymnastics for mums or our popular baby swimming. The Bethesda Hospital is also always on hand for aftercare by a midwife and lots of other practical support.

Certified breastfeeding counselling at Bethesda Hospital

Are you having problems breastfeeding or are you unsure whether your baby is getting enough food? Visit one of our breastfeeding counselling sessions - three such sessions are covered by your basic health insurance.

Our IBCLC-certified breastfeeding counsellors will be happy to help you with all your questions and breastfeeding problems. Contact us at any time to make an appointment.

We are here for you.

Many new mums have a lot of respect for the moment when they are back home with their newborn and the new daily routine awaits them. A midwife is a great help here, looking after you at home and making sure that both you and your baby are doing well.

The midwife will check the involution of your uterus, look after your baby's navel, carry out any necessary blood tests, support you with breastfeeding and give you tips on nutrition. The costs of these services are covered by your health insurance.

If you have not found a midwife by the time you give birth, Bethesda Hospital will organise follow-up care for you at home in cooperation with FamilyStart Basel. You will receive further information during your hospitalisation.

The arrival of a newborn needs to be well prepared, because the right equipment makes the first time after the birth easier.

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FAQs zum Thema Wochenbett

Was gilt es zu beachten nach der Geburt und wie läuft dies mit der Anmeldung meines Kindes beim Zivilstandesamt? Hier die wichtigsten Antworten auf Ihre Fragen.

In Zusammenarbeit mit BabyCute schenken wir Ihnen im Bethesda Spital ein professionelles Neugeborenen Foto-Shooting. 

Zu weiteren Informationen

Die Rechnung wird Ihrer Krankenkasse oder Versicherungsgesellschaft direkt zugestellt, wenn wir eine entsprechende Kostengutsprache erhalten haben.

Offene Rechnungen für Privatauslagen (Telefon, TV, Getränke, Besucherverpflegung, Upgrade in eine andere Zimmerkategorie etc.) sind zwingend am Austrittstag direkt über den Room-Service zu begleichen.

Die Ärztin/der Arzt bestimmt mit Ihnen den Austrittstag.
Aus organisatorischen Gründen muss der Spitalaustritt bis 11 Uhr erfolgen

Your advantages at Bethesda Hospital

We provide interdisciplinary excellence in medicine, care and therapy, promote innovation and are at the cutting edge of research and technology. Personalised care in a family atmosphere, our excellent hotel facilities and the quiet location in the park support your recovery.

Familiar atmosphere

Professional support

Your advantages
Bethesda Spital ist Mitglied bei Swiss Leading Hospitals (SLH)

Multiple awards