Counselling services

At Bethesda Hospital, you can rely on a competent team of specialists to provide you with information and advice. What our wide range of services have in common is that you as a person are at the centre.

Patients have to be in hospital for treatment or have come here for a happy event such as a birth. During these days or weeks, some thoughts, fears and hopes may be moved. Some things can become questionable and fragile during the days of hospitalisation, the solid ground under your feet can begin to waver. In this situation, we are happy to meet and talk to you.

In co-operation with patients, relatives, doctors and nursing staff, the social service helps to find solutions for the forthcoming discharge from hospital, aftercare or social problems. The social service provides assistance with professional or financial concerns that may affect the recovery process.

The nutritional counselling service offers its services, such as nutritional therapy, to all clinics and departments at Bethesda Hospital. Consultations for outpatient clients on nutritional issues and clarification of nutritional therapy meals in the restaurant complete the range of services. The nutritional counselling service is available to all interested parties.

Are you having problems breastfeeding or are you unsure whether your baby is getting enough
nutrition? Visit one of our breastfeeding counselling sessions - three such sessions are covered by your basic health insurance.

Our IBCLC-certified breastfeeding counsellors will be happy to help you with all your questions and breastfeeding problems. Contact us at any time and make an appointment at our breastfeeding outpatient centre.

We are here for you.

Pregnancy is not just a time of joyful anticipation and good hope. It is also a time of uncertainty and unanswered questions.

As parents-to-be, you have the opportunity at Bethesda Hospital to talk to qualified and experienced specialists. This service is free of charge, open-ended and confidential.

These people with counselling expertise are at your disposal:

By appointment. Please contact one of the above persons directly.

Children are wonderful. The desire to have children and to accompany them as they grow up is deeply rooted in many people. And pregnancy is a stroke of luck. Not every couple is given the chance to conceive at the desired time. If the desire to have children remains unfulfilled for a long time, various medical aids are available. However, despite great progress, even these offer no guarantee that the goal of pregnancy will be achieved.

If couples decide in favour of this route, new questions will arise that require further decisions:

  • Why did the pregnancy fail to materialise?
  • What measures make sense?
  • What time frames are involved?
  • What help can and would we like to make use of?
  • How far do we want to go? Are there alternatives?

All of this is accompanied by many thoughts and feelings. Hope and uncertainty,
Trust and being at the mercy of others, anticipation and anxiety will characterise the journey. It is
it is important to accept this challenge together as a couple or as a family.

During this time, dialogue partners are more important than usual. As the pastoral care team at Bethesda Hospital, we can be such a partner for you. We are open to what is on your mind. We have time for you. We listen. We accompany you when you are weighing up decisions or want to reflect on them afterwards
want to reflect on them again. We respect your personal view of life,
Your world view or your religion.

We keep what you entrust to us.

Room of silence
Bethesda Hospital's Room of Silence is located on the first floor above the entrance hall. You can visit it for a personal time of rest or prayer. From Monday to Friday, the Bethesda Sisterhood holds a public lunchtime prayer here. You can write down your intentions in the intercessory prayer book, which will be taken up during this time of prayer.

Prayers, gestures and rituals can be helpful to let go or to regain hope. We will accompany you.

Contact us

The Breast Care Nurse is a nurse who specialises in providing support, information and advice to women with breast cancer. She looks after the affected woman in our Breast Centre from diagnosis to the end of treatment and is also available for discussions by telephone or in person between appointments.

The Breast Care Nurse is also responsible for fitting prostheses and aids. She also arranges appointments, establishes contact with help centres, coordinates discussions with doctors, provides information material and is available to talk to.

Our specialists at Bethesda Hospital work together on an interdisciplinary and holistic basis.

«A huge thank you goes to the nursing staff on the ward. Their loving care rounded off the whole stay.»

Patricia Keck

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Your advantages at Bethesda Hospital

We provide interdisciplinary excellence in medicine, care and therapy, promote innovation and are at the cutting edge of research and technology. Personalised care in a family atmosphere, our excellent hotel facilities and the quiet location in the park support your recovery.

Ausgezeichnete Pflege und Hotellerie im Bethesda Spital

Excellent care & hospitality

Medical excellence

Your advantages
Bethesda Spital ist Mitglied bei Swiss Leading Hospitals (SLH)

Multiple certifications