Kontaktieren Sie uns vor Ihrem Eintritt:
- bei regelmässigen, schmerzhaften Kontraktionen
- bei Fruchtwasserabgang
- bei vaginaler Blutung
- bei Unsicherheit
Tel.: +41 61 315 22 22
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The birth of your child is an extraordinary moment in your life. Only the best environment is good enough for this unforgettable event: first-class medical care, experienced midwives, dedicated nursing staff and a service that leaves nothing to be desired.
To give your baby the very best start, we offer you a wide range of options for your birth experience. A safe birth in the personalised atmosphere of our maternity ward is particularly important to us. We look forward to welcoming your newborn and giving you and your family a carefree start.
Most of our births are carried out by a hospital midwife or an attending midwife together with one of our Bethesda or attending physicians. We also work closely with the Women's Clinic at the USB and our team of paediatricians.
Would you like to find out more about the facilities, infrastructure and team at the maternity clinic? Do you have specific wishes that you would like to discuss with us?
We will be happy to help you.
Would you like to give birth at Bethesda Hospital? We would be delighted! Our obstetrics services are open to everyone - regardless of which insurance class you belong to and which canton you live in. Our services include the following:
You and your child are always in good hands with us: In the event of deviations from the normal birth process, a well-coordinated 24-hour operating theatre team, the neonatology department of the UKBB and the entire infrastructure of the acute hospital are available.
If you choose to give birth on the Bethesda campus, you will have a choice of location and care during labour that is unique in the region.
With us you can choose between
Your midwife will be happy to advise you.
daily between 2.30 and 4 pm
Your midwife will be happy to advise you.
daily between 2.30 and 4 pm
Bethesda Hospital supports you during your pregnancy with a practical checklist and FAQs on important questions. Please contact your doctor to register the birth. In the event of complications, we offer specialised medical care and psychosocial counselling to ensure you have a safe and supportive pregnancy
To ensure that nothing is left at home on the big day, we will help you decide what to pack in your birth bag for the day of the birth and how you can prepare well for the first time at home.
Further information will be discussed in detail and at length with your midwife in advance so that you can concentrate fully on the birth on the big day. Because good preparation for the birth helps you to relax.
What do I need to think about and when? Which documents do I need to submit where and when and what options do I have to find out about the issues that are important to me during my pregnancy?
We have summarised the most important information for you.
Your doctor will register you for your hospitalisation. Please also discuss your wishes and expectations with them in advance.
Fortunately, most pregnancies and births proceed without serious complications. However, if problems do arise, individual and personalised care is very important to reduce unnecessary additional stress. With us, you are in the best hands and can rely on the best medical support.
Although Bethesda Hospital does not have its own neonatal intensive care unit, we have very good facilities for caring for pregnant women who are threatened with premature birth. Premature births can often be avoided with measures such as cerclage or total cervical closure - this is very helpful, especially in the case of stressful histories (miscarriages, particularly in the advanced stages of pregnancy).
We look after pregnant women who suffer from gestational diabetes together with the diabetology specialists at the hormone practice at Bethesda Hospital. In most cases, we are able to regulate the metabolism so well that there are no effects on the child and therefore a birth at Bethesda Hospital is possible. In the midwife consultation , affected pregnant women are also shown how they can avoid subsequent problems with the newborn (hypoglycaemia).
Should complications arise during the birth, a well-coordinated surgical team, our paediatricians, the neonatology department of the UKBB and the entire infrastructure of the acute hospital are available at all times.
Pregnancy is not just a time of joyful anticipation and good hope. It is also a time of uncertainty and unanswered questions. As parents-to-be, you have the opportunity to talk to qualified and experienced specialists at Bethesda Hospital.
Our paediatricians are available for difficult births and caesarean sections at any time and on any day of the year.
At Bethesda Hospital, we offer you a variety of birthing options that is unique in the region. You have the choice between various options. You can also put together your own personalised birthing team for your care. Our combination of the advantages of a traditional inpatient hospital and the benefits of our clinics run by head physicians offers you flexible and individualised options. No matter which option you choose, we are here for you with joy and commitment to make your birth experience special.
For more and more women, giving birth to their child as naturally as possible in the protected environment of a modern hospital is of the utmost importance. We fulfil this wish by providing individual midwife care and avoiding unnecessary interventions.
Midwives are our birth experts - before, after and, of course, during labour. Personal, individualised care creates a relationship based on closeness and trust: the midwife spends a lot of time with you at your bedside and is there to answer all your questions. The midwifery team at Bethesda Hospital works hand in hand with nursing - and this interprofessional approach plays a key role in shaping our high medical quality.
«Bonding is very important to us: skin contact, body warmth and tender touch between mother and child release oxytocin, which is also known as the love or bonding hormone.»
New mums are often unsure about how much and how long they should have physical contact with their child. An important part of our philosophy is what we call "bonding" - find out what this is all about now.
So that we can respond to your wishes and concerns as well as possible during the birth and in the postnatal period, we ask you to take a few minutes to formulate these and provide us with further information regarding your aftercare.
Please also discuss your wishes and ideas with your gynaecologist in advance.
Die Geburt geht los. Plötzlich hat man alles vergessen.
Hier die wichtigsten Antworten auf die brennendsten Fragen.
Kontaktieren Sie uns vor Ihrem Eintritt:
Tel.: +41 61 315 22 22
Rufen Sie uns vor dem Eintritt unbeding an: Tel.: +41 61 315 22 23
Beim Empfang erfolgt die Erstuntersuchung durch die Hebamme: Das Baby wird auf Herztöne, Lage und Grösse untersucht. Anschliessend wird der Geburtsprozess beurteilt. Wir nehmen uns Zeit für Ihre Wünsche und Bedürfnisse und besprechen die nächsten Schritte bis zur Geburt. Der Arzt / die Ärztin kommt bei Bedarf und zur Geburt.
Die Geburtstasche sollte idealerweise drei Wochen vor dem errechneten Termin gepackt werden.
So können Sie bei Geburtsbeginn ganz entspannt zu uns kommen.
Für die Geburt und des Wochenbett haben wir Ihnen eine Geburts-Checkliste zusammengestellt.
Für die Erstausstattung des Babys während dem Spitalaufenthalt ist gesorgt.
Bei uns können Sie wählen zwischen:
Our staff employed by Bethesda Hospital are happy to be there for you - competently and at eye level.
Dr. med. Bernd Gerresheim
Ursula Lüscher
Larissa Schön
Sabine Zeier
Beatrix Zumbühl
We provide interdisciplinary excellence in medicine, care and therapy, promote innovation and are at the cutting edge of research and technology. Personalised care in a family atmosphere, our excellent hotel facilities and the quiet location in the park support your recovery.