Gynaecology - The whole spectrum of women's medicine

From puberty to the menopause, from routine examinations to the treatment of an illness: we provide you with comprehensive support in all situations and are your point of contact for everything to do with gynaecology and your body.

You and your well-being are always at the centre of our medical advice for women: With a great deal of experience and empathy, we will discuss the best solution for your concerns with you. As a patient at Bethesda Hospital, you benefit from our core expertise in all gynaecological examinations and our leading role in north-western Switzerland for the best gynaecology in the Basel area - always with the aim of treating you as efficiently and as gently as possible.

In an atmosphere of trust and without time pressure, we will talk to you and advise you. We are your point of contact for questions about puberty, contraception, hormonal issues, the menopause and osteoporosis.

Please make an appointment with us - we will be happy to help you.

Get in touch now

What is on your mind? An initial consultation helps to gather important information on specific gynaecological topics and build trust. We offer regular consultations on uterus-preserving procedures, endometriosis and myoma removal and will explain the details of such gynaecological procedures to you clearly and comprehensibly.

Please make an appointment with us - we will be happy to help you.

Get in touch now

Gynaecological diseases can require a variety of treatment methods - we will decide together with you which is best for you. An operation is often sensible and unavoidable for your well-being. We perform minor operations on an outpatient basis and you recover at home after the procedure. For larger operations, we will support you before, during and after the treatment with a great deal of expertise and empathy and offer you the best conditions thanks to our many years of experience.

We specialise in gentle, minimally invasive surgical procedures. This includes both vaginal and laparoscopic surgical procedures. The advantages of these procedures are lower complication rates and a shorter inpatient stay.

We offer the following operations:

  • Laparoscopic surgical technique
    • diagnostic and therapeutic
    • Uterine operations (myoma removal, hysterectomy)
    • Fallopian tube and ovarian operations (cysts, tumours, etc.)
    • Endometriosis
    • Uterine and cervical tumours including lymph node removal (sentinel technique)
    • Prolapse conditions
  • Vaginal surgical technique (without visible scars)
    • Surgery on the external genital organs and the vagina
    • Operations for prolapse
    • All incontinence operations (sling, Botox, etc.)
    • Removal of the uterus
    • Uterine endoscopy (hysteroscopy) and curettage (removal of polyps/myomas, etc.)
    • Endometrial ablation (cauterisation of the uterine lining in the event of heavy bleeding)
    • Radiofrequency ablation of fibroids (Sonata® treatment)
  • Other procedures
    • Benign and malignant breast diseases

Do you have any questions? We are happy to help you.

«We attach great importance to professional medical, nursing and therapeutic support. However, human warmth and empathy are just as important to us.»

Dr J. Humburg, Head of Gynaecology

Gynaecological diseases

Our gynaecologists have compiled a list of the most common diseases that we treat at our clinic. Find out about symptoms, frequency and treatment options here. We are happy to take time for you - the disease database is in no way intended to replace a personal consultation.


You are in good hands with us: At Bethesda Hospital, we have been specialising in women's medicine for many years - this is one of our core areas of expertise and we offer you the best treatment in Basel and north-western Switzerland. With us you will find top-class medicine combined with the personal atmosphere that is typical of us.

Are you about to have an operation with us? We are committed to ensuring that your operation is as safe and gentle as possible. Our inpatient specialists mainly operate using buttonhole surgery (laparoscopy). This involves the use of a narrow instrument for which a tiny incision is sufficient. This means that the operation is less painful for you, you recover more quickly and can go home sooner. In addition, this gentle procedure causes less blood loss and the scar after the operation is significantly smaller than after a traditional procedure.

Do you have any questions about this minimally invasive surgical procedure? Your gynaecologist will be happy to explain the individual steps to you in detail.

Contact us

One of the lowest infection rates in Switzerland

This also gives us a good feeling: Bethesda Hospital performs excellently in a comparison of infection rates among Swiss hospitals. Thanks to the highest quality standards, we even have one of the lowest infection rates in Switzerland for operations to remove the uterus.

Sonata® treatment

This new form of therapy is currently only available at specialised centres. The Clinic for Gynaecology at Bethesda Hospital is currently the only centre in north-western Switzerland to offer it. In Sonata® treatment, the fibroid is heated in the operating theatre under ultrasound guidance using a special device, causing it to shrink. This procedure is known as radiofrequency ablation or Sonata® therapy and is currently regarded as the gentlest method of treating fibroids surgically.

Fluorescence laparoscopy

Fluorescence procedures can be used to visualise what is not visible under conventional white light. Intraoperative imaging in near infrared (NIR) using indocyanine green (ICG) enables live perfusion assessment of organs (e.g. colon), visualisation of bile duct anatomy and visual support in the detection of liver metastases. The aim was to evaluate the significance and applicability of this diagnostic procedure in the context of laparoscopic routine and emergency interventions in visceral surgery.

We train - with success.

We traditionally pass on our knowledge and train future experts - with success: we are certified by the Swiss Institute for Continuing Medical Education and Training (SIWF).

What does this mean for you as a patient?

With us, you benefit from experience combined with expertise - and know that you are in the right place for the best treatment.

Our certificates

Blogs around our speciality

Our in-house team

Our staff employed by Bethesda Hospital are happy to be there for you - competently and at eye level.

The best interdisciplinary treatment

Because gynaecological diseases are often very complex, we work closely with the teams in related fields. Together, we work hard for you - so you are always in good hands with us and receive the treatment that is tailored to your condition. We work on an interdisciplinary basis in the following areas:

Our attending physicians

Are you coming to us with your medical consultant? Thanks to our affiliated doctor system, this is also possible: around 60 affiliated doctors with their own private practice in the Basel area also offer their services at Bethesda. This means that you will be treated by the person with whom you have already built up a relationship of trust.

Belegärzte der Bethesda Spital AG (nicht komplett)
Bethesda Hospital media centre

Our specialists in the media

Our specialists are regularly interviewed and quoted on specific topics. Take a look at our media centre and discover interesting articles!

Courses & Events

Samstagskurs für Paare

Samstag, 08.03.2025
10:00 – 17:00 Uhr

Yoga in der Schwangerschaft

Montag, 10.03.2025
19:00 – 20:15 Uhr

Immer Montags

Samstagskurs für Paare

Samstag, 15.03.2025
10:00 – 17:00 Uhr

All courses & events

FAQs zur Gynäkologie

Haben Sie Unsicherheiten oder Dinge, die Sie beschäftigen innerhalb unseres Fachgebiets?
Wir haben die häufigsten Fragen rund um die Gynäkologie zusammengetragen, beantwortet von unseren medizinischen Expertinnen und Experten.

Haben Sie weitere Fragen, die Sie hier nicht beantwortet finden?
Sie können uns gerne kontaktieren – wir helfen sehr gerne.

Fachärztinnen und Fachärzte für Gynäkologie sind für die ärztliche Betreuung von Frauen mit frauenspezifischen medizinischen Problemen von der Kindheit bis ins Alter zuständig.

Ja, darunter ist dasselbe zu verstehen.

Ab dem 21. Lebensjahr oder bei Aufnahme von regelmässigem Geschlechtsverkehr empfiehlt sich alle ein bis zwei Jahre eine Vorsorgeuntersuchung vorzunehmen. Bei Blutungsunregelmässigkeiten oder bei Brust-/Unterleibsbeschwerden sollte die Untersuchung früher erfolgen. Eine regelmässige Kontrolle beim Gynäkologen ist besonders für die Früherkennung von Brust- und Gebärmutterhalskrebs entscheidend.

Pauschal lässt sich darauf keine Antwort finden. Wenn ein Arzt sich dafür entscheidet, als Gynäkologe und Geburtshelfer zu praktizieren, verbindet er damit ebenso wie eine Frauenärztin hohe Ansprüche an sich selbst, Engagement und oft großen Idealismus.

In schwierigen Situationen wird ein guter Frauenarzt seine Patientinnen ebenfalls emotional begleiten. Um wirksam helfen zu können, brauchen umgekehrt Arzt und Ärztin eine gewisse emotionale Distanz zu ihren Patienten.

Kurz, die fachliche und menschliche Qualität der Behandlung unterscheidet sich zwischen (guten) Frauenärztinnen und Frauenärzten nicht. Dass sich manche Frauen bei einer Frauenärztin besser aufgehoben fühlen, hat vor allem mit der Intimität zu tun, die mit gynäkologischen Untersuchungen und Behandlungen verbunden ist.

Generell gilt: Die "Chemie" zwischen Ihnen und Ihrer Ärztin oder Ihrem Arzt muss stimmen. Oft hat die Entscheidung für einen bestimmten Arzt und seine Praxis auch mit dem persönlichen "Bauchgefühl" zu tun.

Belegärztinnen/Belegärzte erbringen als selbstständiges Einzelunternehmen ambulante medizinische Leistungen, dies nicht nur in der eigenen Praxis, sondern auch in einem Spital (ambulant oder stationär). Gemäss einer vertraglichen Vereinbarung dürfen sie dort ihre eigenen Patientinnen und Patienten behandeln und die Infrastruktur der Institution benützen. 

Erfahren Sie mehr über uns als Belegarztspital

Your advantages at Bethesda Hospital

We provide interdisciplinary excellence in medicine, care and therapy, promote innovation and are at the cutting edge of research and technology. Personalised care in a family atmosphere, our excellent hotel facilities and the quiet location in the park support your recovery.

Ausgezeichnete Pflege und Hotellerie im Bethesda Spital

Excellent hotel business

Medical excellence

Your advantages
Bethesda Spital ist Mitglied bei Swiss Leading Hospitals (SLH)

Multiple certifications

Contact us

We are there for you - by phone and e-mail during office opening hours and around the clock in an emergency.

We are here for you

Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 5.00 pm

We are here for you

We take care of the following emergencies:

  • For all gynaecological and obstetric emergencies.
  • You have been treated by us and severe symptoms occur at home.
  • You have had an operation at our clinic and complications suddenly arise at home.

Are you not sure whether it really is an emergency and whether you have come to the right place? Just give us a call.

Under certain circumstances, there may be longer waiting times - we ask for your understanding. Life-threatening situations are treated immediately.