Medical officers advise insured persons, companies, businesses, health, pension, IV and other insurance companies on specialised issues such as the effectiveness, appropriateness and cost-effectiveness of medical services as well as remuneration, tariff application and the insurance company's obligation to pay benefits. They have a good knowledge of the Health Insurance Act, the Swiss Health Insurance Manual, the Swiss Medical Examiners' Manual and data protection.
Medical officers obtain the necessary information from the service providers, e.g. specialists and general practitioners, such as information from the medical history, medical reports, operation reports and certificates of incapacity for work. They assess these and clarify any open questions in an additional examination. They make a well-founded diagnosis and prepare the insurance companies' decisions on benefits such as pensions, hospital treatment or certain treatment and therapy measures.
The subject of the medical report is not the illness itself, but only its effect on the employee's ability to work and perform.
The employer is not entitled to specific information on diagnoses, medication taken, previous illnesses, etc. However, general comments are permitted if they are necessary for the assessment of work and performance capacity or if the information in question is important for understanding the report.