Praise or complaint - our quality is the guarantor of our good reputation

If you want to be in the top class, you have to fulfil the highest quality standards. We have therefore set ourselves high targets and monitor these with a quality management system, of which patient satisfaction is an important part. As a member of "THE SWISS LEADING HOSPITALS", we are also committed to top performance in the areas of nursing and personal care combined with top medical services, a family atmosphere and modern infrastructure.

We consider quality to be a key factor in ensuring the long-term success of Bethesda Spital AG and are committed to providing the highest level of performance. By systematically managing our activities, we continuously ensure and improve the quality of our services and results.

To ensure quality, the measurement recommendations of the National Association for Quality Development in Hospitals and Clinics (ANQ) are comprehensively implemented.

This includes the following measurements:

  • Postoperative wound infections
  • Rehospitalisation rate
  • Falls & decubiti
  • Spinal implant register
  • Target achievement in rehabilitation

In addition to fulfilling the legal and cantonal requirements, Bethesda Hospital implements further quality assurance measures in the following areas, among others:

  • Reporting and discussion of critical incidents in a specialist group
  • Internal process review by specially trained staff
  • Infection prevention and hospital hygiene
  • Safe medication
  • Patient identification bracelet
  • Recording of complications
  • Risk management

the annual H+ quality report provides information on further activities in the area of quality.

We want our patients and those who have recently given birth to be well cared for at Bethesda Hospital. This is not only about providing the best medical services, but also about ensuring that the infrastructure and hotel services are of the highest standard. Feedback is collected from inpatients and outpatients to monitor these ambitious goals.

All feedback and measurement results are incorporated into an improvement plan. This is drawn up and processed by the internal quality commission, consisting of employees from the various specialist areas.

We are delighted to have achieved top scores in the areas of doctors' information, nursing information, food, accommodation and public infrastructure. This makes Bethesda Hospital one of the leading hospitals in the Basel region.

In the survey, Bethesda Hospital was compared with five comparable hospitals in the Basel region. Various criteria in a wide range of areas were surveyed. The survey was conducted by the company MECON measure & consult GmbH. MECON is the market leader for satisfaction surveys in the Swiss healthcare sector. over 200 hospitals and clinics use MECON to record the satisfaction of their patients, referring physicians and employees.

Patients should receive comprehensive, good care at Bethesda Hospital. The aim is not only to provide the best medical services, but also to ensure that the infrastructure and hotel services are of the highest standard. Patient feedback is regularly collected to monitor these ambitious goals.

Committed to quality.

Many areas of Bethesda Hospital are therefore certified and accredited. The certifications are carried out and issued by an independent body. They allow us to offer the highest national and international standards.

It is very important to us that our patients and their relatives feel well looked after by us. Your assessment enables us to maintain what is good and recognise potential for improvement. Feedback can be given via the feedback form on site, in a direct conversation, by telephone or online. We welcome your praise and suggestions. We take criticism seriously and will be happy to contact you if you wish. Your details will of course be treated confidentially.

«As patients are one of the most important interest groups, it is essential to understand their needs and requirements. This is the only way to introduce targeted improvements.»

Cinzia Zürcher, Quality Manager

Praise & complaints

It is very important to us that our patients and their relatives feel well looked after by us. Your assessment enables us to maintain what is good and recognise potential for improvement. Feedback can be given via the feedback form on site, in a direct conversation, by telephone or online. We welcome your praise and suggestions. We take criticism seriously and will be happy to contact you if you wish. Your details will of course be treated confidentially.

* Mandatory fields

Your advantages at Bethesda Hospital

We provide interdisciplinary excellence in medicine, care and therapy, promote innovation and are at the cutting edge of research and technology. Personalised care in a family atmosphere, our excellent hotel facilities and the quiet location in the park support your recovery.

Ausgezeichnete Pflege und Hotellerie im Bethesda Spital

Excellent care & hospitality

Medical excellence

Your advantages
Bethesda Spital ist Mitglied bei Swiss Leading Hospitals (SLH)

Multiple certifications

Excerpts from our blog

All about quality and patient satisfaction