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30. August 2021

Only the best is good enough for Bethesda Hospital.

Pflegesituation mit Patienten

If you want to be in the top class, you have to fulfil the highest quality standards. The private hospital in Basel's Gellert district has set itself high goals in this respect and monitors its success with a quality management system, of which patient satisfaction is an important part.

Patients should receive comprehensive, good care at Bethesda Hospital. This is not just about providing the best medical services, but also about the infrastructure and hotel facilities. Patient feedback is collected to monitor these ambitious goals. "We conduct regular patient satisfaction surveys, firstly for inpatient services and, since 2020, also for outpatient services," explains Janine Altwegg, Quality Manager at Bethesda Hospital. One hundred questionnaires are randomly sent out to inpatients every month. These are then sent directly to the measuring institutes, where they are analysed by a neutral party. In addition, a flyer is available in every room, which can be used to provide feedback and request contact with quality management. A tablet has been installed for outpatients, on which they can easily submit an evaluation. In addition to competence, the quality of information and the humanity of the doctors, nursing staff and therapists are also surveyed.

«As patients are one of the most important interest groups, it is essential to understand their needs and requirements. This is the only way to introduce targeted improvements.»

Janine Altwegg, Quality Manager

Measuring patient satisfaction is therefore an important part of the quality management system at Bethesda Hospital. This system has already enabled valuable optimisations to be made. "For example, it became apparent that women who had recently given birth wanted lighter meals and more information about breastfeeding. As a result, we have introduced a special maternity menu and breastfeeding counselling, among other things," continues Altwegg.

«Bethesda Hospital Basel has moved up nine places in the Newsweek ranking and is currently in 11th place, making it the "Rising Star of 2021".»

Janine Altwegg, Quality Manager

Rising star of the year

The results are analysed on a quarterly basis, incorporated into the quality report and communicated internally. Measures to improve processes are derived on the basis of these results. This tool also offers the opportunity to compare ourselves with other hospitals. "As we have the Swiss Leading Hospitals (SLH) certificate, we can measure ourselves against the top class in Switzerland. We also compare ourselves with a number of hospitals in the region," says Altwegg.

This shows that Bethesda Hospital is very well positioned and is constantly improving its position. In Newsweek magazine's ranking, Bethesda Hospital Basel has improved by nine places and is currently ranked 11th, making it "Rising Star of the Year 2021".

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