Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 5.00 pm
Typical: Tingling in fingers and palms
Tingling and a feeling of numbness are typical signs of carpal tunnel syndrome. One symptom is also nocturnal numbness in the thumb, index and middle finger or even the ring finger - where the middle arm nerve runs. The little finger remains unaffected. Occasionally, the entire hand is affected or hand pain or pain occurs in the forearm. Very rarely, this pain radiates to the shoulder.
When cycling or driving a car, or even when using the telephone, the sensation in fingers 1 to 3 is also disturbed during the day. However, this mainly occurs at night or in the morning because sleeping people tend to bend their hand. If the hand is shaken out, the symptoms usually subside. Motor restrictions in thumb movement usually only occur late in the course of the disease.
Do you have signs of carpal tunnel syndrome? Then don't delay too long before having an examination. If your hand keeps falling asleep and also hurts, you should contact our specialists.
Are you unsure whether you suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome? Then make an appointment for an examination!
Secretariat PD Dr Bauer
Phone +41 61 315 20 33
Office of Dr Strub
Phone +41 61 315 20 34
Secretariat PD Dr Bauer
neurologie@bethesda-spital. ch
Office of Dr Strub
matthias. strub@hin. ch