Ulnar neuropathy at the elbow: recognise and treat

Your elbow hurts, you can hardly do some fitness exercises, your ring finger and little finger feel numb and tingle? Ulnar neuropathy, i.e. damage to the ulnar nerve, could be the cause. It is often triggered by riding a bike or motorbike for too long and repeatedly, by using crutches or by constantly leaning on the elbow at work, e.g. on the telephone. However, there are many different causes. What can you do about it? Normally, conservative treatment, such as immobilisation or bandages, is sufficient - the specialists at Bethesda Hospital will be happy to tell you more.

Ulnar neuropathy is not very common. Only 25 people in 100,000 are affected.
Ulnar neuropathy is not very common. Only 25 people in 100,000 are affected.

Pain in the elbow, tingling fingers and hands

Many people know the feeling: The fingers tingle or feel numb, the elbow hurts and the hand feels paralysed. The clinical picture has various names: One of these is ulnar neuropathy, another is ulnar groove syndrome, because the ulnar nerve runs in a groove in the elbow, the ulnar groove. This groove is only surrounded by a small amount of connective tissue and is therefore not well protected. Ulnar groove syndrome is therefore damage to the ulnar nerve caused by a prolonged, incorrect arm posture. This can occur, for example, when riding a bicycle or motorbike excessively or when using crutches as an aid. If the elbow is bent for too long, this can cause a constriction of the nerve tunnel located there - the ulnar nerve is pinched.

Depending on where the nerve, which runs quite superficially, is compressed, this can lead to numbness, paralysis or pain. This can affect the elbow, hand, wrist, little finger and ring finger. In this context, the term cubital tunnel syndrome (KUTS) is also used synonymously; another term is sulcus ulnaris syndrome (SUS).

Important to know

Find out everything you need to know about ulnar neuropathy here and find out about the various treatment options we offer.

Elbow pain and reduced strength

Typical symptoms of ulnar neuropathy are weakness or numbness in the hand, tingling in the palm of the hand or in the fingers 4 and 5, sensitivity to cold and a stiff elbow joint. If there is severe nerve inflammation, permanent and severe pain can occur, even at night.

The symptoms of cubital tunnel syndrome develop gradually. Typical signs are when the ring finger and little finger repeatedly "fall asleep" or the strength in the hand decreases. Pain occurs in the elbow area, which can radiate into the forearm.

As the ulnar nerve consists of sensory fibres on the one hand and strength fibres on the other, both sensations, sensitivity and muscles, can be impaired and affect mobility and the muscles in the hand. The extent of the loss of strength and numbness depends on where the nerve is constricted. If the symptom progresses, even simple hand movements become a problem. For example, opening a can, picking up objects, writing or making music.

Are you unsure whether you suffer from ulnar neuropathy? Then make an appointment for an examination!

Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 5.00 pm

Secretariat PD Dr Bauer
Phone +41 61 315 20 33

Office of Dr Strub
Phone +41 61 315 20 34

Clinical examination of the elbow

A detailed discussion with a precise description of the symptoms is the first step in diagnosing ulnar neuropathy. Our neurologists then carry out a comprehensive clinical examination, during which patients are asked to make certain movements with their hand. This enables our team of experts to find out whether the ulnar nerve is being compressed and where exactly the pain is occurring.

In addition, so-called nerve sonography examinations, i.e. inspections of the nerves using ultrasound, are also carried out. At Bethesda Hospital, you will find specialists in one place who will accompany you from diagnosis to treatment.

Are you unsure whether you suffer from ulnar neuropathy? Then make an appointment for an examination!

Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 5.00 pm

Secretariat PD Dr Bauer
Phone +41 61 315 20 33

Office of Dr Strub
Phone +41 61 315 20 34

What can be done to treat ulnar neuropathy?

Conservative treatment methods

If the symptoms are caused by cycling, for example, the first thing to look at is the holding position. If the hand position is corrected, the symptoms may at best disappear. If this does not help, conservative treatment methods are used. For example, hand or occupational therapy or physiotherapy specially tailored to the hands. Ultrasound treatment including anti-inflammatory medication (such as Voltaren) or neoprene bandages and splints can also be considered.

Surgery is rarely necessary

Surgery may only be necessary if conservative methods do not help. Therefore, the earlier you have the symptoms clarified, the better. Contact us as soon as possible if your two back fingers often fall asleep. The operation is usually performed on an outpatient basis: The carpal tunnel is opened and the nerves are mechanically relieved. However, this procedure is only very rarely necessary.

Are you unsure whether you suffer from ulnar neuropathy? Then make an appointment for an examination!

Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 5.00 pm

Secretariat PD Dr Bauer
Phone +41 61 315 20 33

Office of Dr Strub
Phone +41 61 315 20 34

Ulnar neuropathy

Ulnar neuropathy is not very common. Only 25 out of 100,000 people are affected. The ratio of men to women is 2:1 - so men suffer from it about twice as often.

Are you unsure whether you suffer from ulnar neuropathy? Then make an appointment for an examination!

Monday to Friday 8.00 am to 5.00 pm

Secretariat PD Dr Bauer
Phone +41 61 315 20 33

Office of Dr Strub
Phone +41 61 315 20 34

The experienced specialists will be happy to help you
The experienced specialists will be happy to help you

The specialists on the subject of ulnar neuropathy

The clinical picture of ulnar neuropathy falls under the specialism of our neurology department. Our experienced specialists will be happy to help you - let them advise you individually on which neurology service is best suited to your needs.

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