Post-traumatic stress disorder - overcoming the trauma

Post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD for short, is a delayed reaction to a stressful, usually severe event in life. Patients suffering from PTSD have often been victims of or witnesses to physical, sexual or psychological violence and are suddenly confronted with these memories. Post-traumatic stress disorder manifests itself in emotional numbness, anxiety and sleep disorders, among other things. As the disorder responds well to therapeutic treatment, those affected should definitely seek help. At Bethesda Hospital, we have many years of experience in this area and are happy to help you.

PTSD is a delayed reaction to a stressful event such as an accident, violent crime or war experience.
PTSD is a delayed reaction to a stressful event such as an accident, violent crime or war experience.

When memories trigger nightmares

PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder) is a post-traumatic stress disorder: those affected develop symptoms of re-experiencing due to a recent event. Sometimes the triggers are events or traumas from the distant past, sometimes from the childhood of those affected. A new negative event or stress brings back memories, the trauma is reactivated and triggers PTSD.

The re-experiencing of the trauma manifests itself in the form of intrusive memories (flashbacks) and nightmares. PTSD can lead to a weariness of life and suicidal thoughts - circumstances that are similar to or related to the event experienced are avoided by those affected. This makes it all the more important for those affected to place themselves in good hands, where they can be competently supported with a great deal of understanding. Our therapists at Bethesda Hospital specialise in this area and will be happy to assist you.

Important to know

Find out everything you need to know about post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and find out about the various treatment options we offer.

Anxiety, depression and sometimes suicide

As mentioned above, post-traumatic stress disorder manifests itself in the form of intrusive memories (flashbacks) and nightmares. In addition, there are symptoms such as

  • emotional numbness
  • nervous overexcitement with increased vigilance (heightened awareness of possible dangers), anxiety and insomnia
  • Joylessness
  • Withdrawal and avoidance behaviour
  • Shame and feelings of guilt
  • anxiety, depression and weariness with life
  • Suicidal behaviour

Are you unsure whether you suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder? Then make an appointment for an examination!

Registration: Monday to Friday 8.00-17.00
Consultation hours: Monday to Friday 8.00-18.00

In dialogue together

PTSD is diagnosed through a clinical psychiatric examination. Here, the patient is asked carefully but specifically about symptoms and complaints. This enables our therapist to get a precise picture and to ascertain the psychopathological findings.

The Impact of Event Scale (IES-R) is an additional option for diagnosing PTSD: In this diagnostic test, those affected fill out a longer questionnaire using multiple-choice fields to narrow down the extent of the stress disorder.

Are you unsure whether you suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder? Then make an appointment for an examination!

Registration: Monday to Friday 8.00-17.00
Consultation hours: Monday to Friday 8.00-18.00

What can be done to combat PTSD?

Treatment through psychotherapy

PTSD is primarily treated with psychotherapy. For this purpose, certain techniques of special trauma therapy are used. Once a trusting therapeutic relationship has been established with the patient, stabilisation measures are carried out so that those affected no longer feel so helplessly at the mercy of the symptoms.

Once these techniques have been successfully established, the confrontation phase begins gently, in which patients are confronted with the traumatic event. They always remain in control of what is happening. In this way, they begin to process what they have experienced and the original symptoms are reduced until they are no longer present.

Drug therapy

Supportive drug treatments can sometimes also be carried out. Here, treatment is always primarily symptomatic, e.g. to improve depression or sleep disorders.

Specially trained team of experts

The Department of Psychiatry and Psychosomatics at Bethesda Hospital is highly specialised in the treatment of trauma disorders (PTSD). Several of our therapists have the relevant additional training and are at your side with a wealth of experience.

Are you unsure whether you suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder? Then make an appointment for an examination!

Registration: Monday to Friday 8.00-17.00
Consultation hours: Monday to Friday 8.00-18.00

Every 10th victim of a road accident develops PBTS

How many people develop PBTS from a trauma also depends on the severity of the trauma. In the case of victims of rape, war and torture, around half of all people later suffer from PBTS. For other violent crimes it is a quarter, and for road traffic accidents 10%.

It is estimated that one in a hundred people in Switzerland will develop PBTS at least once in their lifetime. In principle, all people have the same risk of developing this stress disorder - this depends very much on their personality structure.

Are you unsure whether you suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder? Then make an appointment for an examination!

Registration: Monday to Friday 8.00-17.00
Consultation hours: Monday to Friday 8.00-18.00


Wir haben die häufigsten Fragen rund um die Posttraumatische Belastungsstörung zusammengetragen, beantwortet von unseren medizinischen Expertinnen und Experten.

Haben Sie weitere Fragen, die Sie hier nicht beantwortet finden? Sie können uns dazu gerne kontaktieren – wir sind gerne für Sie da.

Ja, die PTSD ist sehr gut behandelbar.

Grundsätzlich kann die Symptomatik auch von allein abklingen. Sobald diese aber drei Monate oder länger bestehen bleibt, ist meistens eine Behandlung nötig, da die PTBS dann höchstwahrscheinlich nicht mehr von allein abklingen wird.

Anfänglich kann es aufgrund der Auseinandersetzung mit dem Ereignis auch zu einer kurzzeitigen Verschlechterung der Symptomatik kommen. Meistens stellt sich aber bereits nach wenigen Therapiestunden eine Besserung ein.

It is estimated that one in a hundred people in Switzerland will develop PBTS at least once in their lifetime.
It is estimated that one in a hundred people in Switzerland will develop PBTS at least once in their lifetime.

The specialists on the subject of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)

The clinical picture of PTSD falls within the specialism of our Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychosomatics. Our experienced specialists will be happy to help you - let them advise you individually as to which of the Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychosomatics' services is best suited to your needs.

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We provide interdisciplinary excellence in medicine, care and therapy, promote innovation and are at the cutting edge of research and technology. Personalised care in a family atmosphere, our excellent hotel facilities and the quiet location in the park support your recovery.

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