Orthopaedics Clinic at Bethesda Hospital

The Orthopaedics Clinic at Bethesda Hospital, which is run by the University Hospital, operates a second site at Bethesda Hospital for elective, i.e. plannable, treatments and operations in addition to the main site.

At the Orthopaedics Clinic at Bethesda Hospital, you can enjoy university medical treatment at the highest level. And all this in the personalised atmosphere of a private hospital. We have made this combination our guiding principle: "University & Personal".

At the Orthopaedics Clinic, specialists from the University Hospital Basel work closely with specialised teams from Bethesda Hospital. This allows you to benefit from the latest developments in medical research and at the same time from the advantages of a private hospital.

Together we will get you moving again

Our range of surgical services includes all injuries to the shoulder girdle and all degenerative diseases. Our range of treatments also includes revision operations on tendons, ligaments and prostheses. Minimally invasive surgical techniques minimise the post-operative recovery time. We make treatment decisions based on the latest medical research. We offer our patients optimal treatment, with or without surgery.

Our specialities

  • Arthroscopic procedures
  • Primary and revision prosthetics
  • Stabilisation operations

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Our specialities

  • Hip arthrosis, hip dysplasia, hip impingement
  • Soft tissue problems (e.g. inflammation of bursae, tendons; limping)
  • Primary hip prosthesis (minimally invasive)
  • Revision hip joint prosthesis incl. complex reconstructions with bone grafting
  • Hip joint arthroscopy (endoscopy)
  • Joint-preserving hip surgery

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Our range of services in knee orthopaedics and knee surgery includes the treatment of acute and chronic complaints of the knee joint. We incorporate the latest developments in research and technology into our treatment. Minimally invasive surgery and arthroscopy are used for many procedures and shorten the hospital stay and the regeneration phase after the operation. In addition, 3D technology with patient-specific cutting blocks is used for the precise correction of axial deformities (varus, valgus, torsion) as well as prosthetics. In the case of advanced osteoarthritis, we use state-of-the-art prostheses, whether sled prostheses, surface replacement prostheses or revision prostheses for prosthesis replacement.

Our specialities

  • Accident and sports injuries
    • Meniscus and cruciate ligament injuries, collateral ligament injuries and in combination (multi-ligament)
    • Cartilage injuries and cartilage transplants
    • Patellar dislocation (patellofemoral instability), from simple to complex
    • Second and third cruciate ligament injuries (revision surgery)
  • Chronic complaints
    • Axial and rotational corrections for misalignments as a result of accidents and deformities using patient-specific incision blocks (PSI)
    • Treatment of osteoarthritis caused by accidents, rheumatic diseases or wear and tear
    • Complete knee replacement surgery: from partial prosthesis (sled prosthesis) and total prosthesis to revision arthroplasty

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State-of-the-art surgical techniques and the latest findings from research and development are utilised to achieve an optimal result. Our range of services covers both acute and chronic complaints in the area of the foot and ankle. Whether sports injuries or chronic degenerative complaints: All our patients are comprehensively assessed and treated according to their needs.

Our specialisms

  • Injuries/damage to the bone and cartilage
  • Injuries/damage to ligaments and tendons
  • Injuries/damage to joints (e.g. osteoarthritis)
  • Correction of congenital/neurogenic deformities
  • Correction of acquired deformities (e.g. hallux valgus)
  • Correction of accident-related deformities
  • Treatment of pes planovalgus (fallen arches)
  • Treatment of pes cavovarus (hollow foot)
  • Treatment of complaints caused by diabetes

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«At the Orthopaedics Clinic at Bethesda Hospital, you can enjoy university medical treatment at the highest level. And this in the personal ambience of a private hospital. We have made this combination our guiding principle: University & Personal.»

Dr Hendrik Brecht, Senior Consultant Hip / Pelvic Orthopaedics, Site Management Bethesda Hospital

University & Personal

The University Hospital Basel and Bethesda Hospital have been working closely together in orthopaedics for several years. Plannable orthopaedic operations are carried out at Bethesda Hospital, while the USB concentrates on traumatology (accident surgery) as well as intensive care and emergency medicine. The close cooperation between the two hospitals improves the high quality, efficient and integrated orthopaedic-traumatological care in north-western Switzerland.


Because orthopaedic conditions can also be very complex, we work closely with the teams in related fields. Together, we work hard for you - so you are always in good hands with us and receive the treatment that is tailored to your condition. We work on an interdisciplinary basis in the following areas:

Die Klinik für Anästhesiologie begleitet rund 5000 Patientinnen und Patienten pro Jahr vor, während und nach operativen Eingriffen. Wir bieten das gesamte Spektrum der Voll- und Teilnarkose der modernen Anästhesiologie an. Unsere Leistung für die Patientin und den Patienten ist das Resultat eines eingespielten Teamworks von Ärztinnen und Ärzten und Pflegefachpersonen.

Zur Klinik für Anästhesiologie

Die Klinik für Neurologie ist spezialisiert auf Erkrankungen des peripheren Nervensystems, des Rückenmarks und der Muskulatur sowie auf neurologische Erkrankungen, die sich durch eine Veränderung der Beweglichkeit und/oder der Bewegungsabläufe äussern. Weitere Schwerpunkte sind die Diagnostik und Behandlung von (Kopf-) Schmerzerkrankungen und Anfallsleiden (Epilepsie).

Mehr zur Neurologie

Als professioneller Partner versorgen wir unsere Patientinnen und Patienten, sowie gesunde Frauen und Ihre Familien auf höchstem Niveau und erzielen exzellente pflegerische und geburtshilfliche Ergebnisse.

Zur Pflege

Die Physiotherapie ist zentraler Teil unseres Fokusbereichs «Bewegungsapparat» und gehört zu den Schlüsselqualifikationen des Bethesda Spitals. Mit viel Erfahrung und Einfühlvermögen begleitet Sie unser vielseitig ausgebildetes Team über den gesamten Behandlungsweg. Wir behandeln und beraten Sie sowohl ambulant wie auch stationär, bei Verletzungen, vor und nach Operationen sowie bei Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparats.

Zur Physiotherapie

Wir bieten Ihnen radiologische Diagnostik und minimal invasive Behandlungen auf höchstem Niveau. Unsere Motivation ist, moderne Gerätemedizin in angenehmer Umgebung und freundlicher Atmosphäre anzubieten. Während Ihres Aufenthalts bei uns werden Sie von unserem Team aus Anmeldesekretärinnen und MPA sowie Fachfrauen/männer für med. techn. Radiologie HF (MTRA) betreut, diese werden Ihnen die Untersuchungsabläufe genau erklären.

Mehr zur Radiologie

Die Kompetenz des Bethesda Spitals im Bereich der Rehabilitation knüpft an unser Fokus "Bewegungsapparat" an und verbindet somit “unter einem Dach” das multiprofessionelle und interdisziplinäre Management der Patientenanliegen im Sinne des ganzheitlichen Behandlungspfades. Wo nötig werden Therapiestrategien, rehabilitative Strategien und präventive Strategien gemeinsam mit den Spezialisten verschiedener medizinischer und paramedizinischer Fachrichtungen beurteilt und gegebenenfalls neu aufgegleist. Dabei unterstützend werden hoch entwickelte Technologien eingesetzt wie Magnetresonanztomographie, Knochendichtemessung oder Ultraschall. Wir zeigen Einfühlungsvermögen und stehen für die Mitbestimmung durch partnerschaftliche Kooperation mit dem Betroffenen.

Mehr zur Rehabilitation

Beschwerden am Bewegungsapparat sind sehr häufig, oft äusserst schmerzhaft und mit Einschränkungen verbunden. Zudem können sie viele verschiedene Ursachen haben. Manchmal weisen rheumatische Beschwerden auf eine ernste systemische Erkrankung hin. Am Bethesda Spital finden Sie die Rheumatologie und die Schmerzmedizin in einer Klinik vereint – so stimmen die verschiedenen Fachärztinnen und -ärzte die Behandlung genau auf Ihre Bedürfnisse ab.

Zur Klinik Rheumatologie/Schmerzmedizin

In Zusammenarbeit mit Patienten, Angehörigen, Ärzten und Pflegepersonal unterstützt der Sozialdienst bei Bedarf Lösungen für den bevorstehenden Spitalaustritt, der Nachsorge oder für Probleme im sozialen Zusammenhang zu finden. Der Sozialdienst gibt Hilfestellung bei beruflichen oder finanziellen Sorgen die den Genesungsprozess beeinträchtigen können.

Mehr zum Sozialdienst



Bethesda Spital / Corporate

04. March 2025

Positive mention of the orthopaedic clinic at Bethesda Hospital in Kassensturz

The orthopaedic clinic at Bethesda Hospital was positively highlighted in an article in the consumer magazine Kassensturz on 4 March 2025. The reason for this is the recording of Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs), which measure the success of treatment from the patient's perspective.

The programme discussed the fact that although Switzerland has an expensive healthcare system, it does not always perform well when it comes to collecting quality data. PROMs are considered an important indicator as they directly reflect how patients are doing after treatment.

The Orthopaedics Clinic at Bethesda Hospital already actively uses these measurements, for example for shoulder operations. Patients regularly indicate how well they can use their shoulder again. This form of quality measurement offers a valuable addition to classic indicators such as complication or infection rates.

Bethesda Spital / Corporate

01. March 2025

Day of the Sick on 2 March 2025

The "Day of the Sick" has a firm place in Switzerland's annual calendar and will take place for the 86th time this year on 2 March. Numerous organisations take part with visits, gifts and events to support sick people and those in need of care.

Bethesda Hospital is also setting an example of solidarity: our patients receive a sweet surprise and we invite them to an ecumenical church service. This will be broadcast via livestream at bethesda-spital.ch/gottesdienst.

Bethesda Spital / Corporate

28. February 2025

Five times in a row: Bethesda Hospital remains one of the "World's Best Hospitals" in 2025

Every year, the American news magazine "Newsweek" selects the best hospitals in the world. This year, over 2400 hospitals in 30 countries were assessed - and Bethesda Hospital was once again successfully included.

For the fifth time in a row, Bethesda Hospital has achieved a very good ranking among the top hospitals in Switzerland. As in the previous year, it also achieved an excellent 13th place in 2025. This repeated recognition for 2025 is a great confirmation of our ongoing commitment to healthcare and emphasises the consistently high quality of our work.

The ranking is based on a comprehensive evaluation process, including an online survey of thousands of medical experts, patient experience data and hospital quality metrics.

Click here for the ranking

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Your advantages at Bethesda Hospital

We provide interdisciplinary excellence in medicine, care and therapy, promote innovation and are at the cutting edge of research and technology. Personalised care in a family atmosphere, our excellent hotel facilities and the quiet location in the park support your recovery.

Ausgezeichnete Pflege und Hotellerie im Bethesda Spital

Excellent hotel business

Interdisciplinary support

Your advantages
Bethesda Spital ist Mitglied bei Swiss Leading Hospitals (SLH)

Multiple certifications