Pastoral care and spiritual counselling in palliative care

Pastoral care counsels patients and their relatives on important personal and spiritual concerns and questions. It respects the personal religious background as well as the lack thereof. The palliative care centre is open and neutral towards all faiths.

Discussions take place in an empathetic, open and respectful atmosphere. If desired, we can also involve relatives.

We are also happy to put you in touch with religious representatives of your choice. Pastoral carers known to you may of course also visit you.

Difficult and stressful issues can often be addressed in a counselling session - old conflicts, problems and even relationships can be given a new perspective. The conversation about your life experiences, your faith and your ideas about God - or precisely the difficulties with them - takes place in an honest, open and respectful manner. Confidentiality is part of the self-image of counselling. You are also welcome to invite a religious representative of your choice to visit the palliative care centre.

For patients and their relatives:

  • when going through farewell processes and changes
  • in making decisions and dealing with uncertainties
  • in dealing with questions about life and meaning
  • in organising rituals in transitional situations and when saying goodbye
  • discovering their own resources and needs

Our chapel is located in the entrance area. You can spend time there at any time. The dates and times of the services can be found on the information board at the entrance or on the wards.

The nursing team will be happy to put you in touch with the pastoral care/spirituality team - or contact us directly on T 061 319 75 60.