Psychological support for relatives in palliative care

We also offer professional psychotherapeutic support to patients' relatives. Qualified specialists conduct individual, couple and family discussions and teach relaxation and stabilisation techniques to reduce anxiety and stress reactions.

People with a serious incurable illness are exposed to a variety of stresses. They often lose more than their physical health. The increasing loss of physical functions, weakness, pain, exhausting therapies and the confrontation with imminent death can also lead to psychological suffering. Psychological care for our patients is therefore an important part of our multi-professional treatment concept. However, relatives are also usually under enormous emotional strain as a result of the situation. In palliative care, they also receive the team's attention and support.

People with a terminal illness are exposed to a wide range of stresses. They often lose more than just their physical health. The increasing loss of physical functions, weakness, pain, exhausting therapies and coming to terms with dying and death often also lead to psychological suffering. Psychological counselling can help you to cope with this difficult time.

We conduct individual, couple and family counselling sessions and teach relaxation and imagination techniques to reduce anxiety and stress and strengthen your own powers.

Psychological conversations help you to organise your thoughts and feelings, to cope better with your illness and its symptoms, and to cope with grief and anxiety.

You can meet us on the ward or contact us on T 061 319 75 65 / 66. You can also contact us at any time via the medical and nursing team.