Social services in palliative care at Bethesda Hospital

The social services complement the holistic care concept of palliative care. Patients and their relatives are individually supported in their respective situations through counselling and support.

We advise you on coping with your illness and in crisis situations and support you with possible management claims and measures in the complex social benefits system. We also support you in developing and implementing a viable decision for post-inpatient care or in drawing up a living will, advance care directive or an application for guardianship.

The aim of social work is to work with patients and their relatives to overcome the challenges of their current situation. The next steps are planned based on the time frame of the health insurance companies' cost approvals. Patients and relatives can make use of the individual counselling and support provided by the social work team.

  • Counselling patients and their relatives in coping with the illness and in crisis situations
  • Counselling and support in the decision-making process for planning the next steps
  • Advice and organisation of an individual follow-up solution, e.g. going home, transfer to a subsequent institution, etc.
  • Advice on financial matters, living wills, advance care directives, social insurance and applications to the adult protection authority
  • Referral to other contact centres

Social work prioritises the dignity and self-determination of patients and their relatives. Support and counselling processes are based on their consent, taking their wishes and existing resources into account.

You are welcome to contact us directly on T 061 315 29 30.