Confidential birth at Bethesda Hospital Basel

Pregnant women in emergency situations also have the option of giving birth confidentially at Bethesda Hospital Basel without revealing their identity. With this offer, Bethesda Hospital is responding to the Federal Council's request and the wish of the Basel-Stadt and Baselland authorities to support women in emergency situations and promote confidential births.

On admission, pregnant women are given a pseudonym and their medical records are treated confidentially. The birth is reported to the registry office as a "confidential birth". This ensures that the mother's name is kept secret.

In contrast to a delivery in a baby window, the birth conditions in a hospital are much safer for mother and child, as medical and personal care is guaranteed.

If her state of health allows, the mother can leave the hospital just a few hours after the birth. The newborn is registered with the KESB (Child and Adult Protection Authority). The child's continued care is discussed with them and the best possible solution is sought until the child can be taken in by a transitional family.

The mother may visit her child in hospital at any time. She can agree further visiting arrangements with the KESB. A period of six weeks applies until the adoption is finalised. After that, there is another six-week cancellation period until the child can be definitively placed in an adoptive family.

Right to know parentage guaranteed
In the case of a confidential birth, the identity of the mother is passed on to the civil registry office. The child has the right to know the identity of its mother once it reaches the age of majority.

The costs will either be covered by your health insurance or the social counselling service at our hospital will clarify whether the costs will be covered. The data will remain confidential in any case.

Call us before the birth and let the midwife in charge know that you would like to give birth confidentially. We guarantee you absolute discretion.

We are here for you.

  • 14.30 to 16.00 for questions about pregnancy and the birth process
  • At any time during labour, in urgent cases and when you are on your way to the birth