Offer, contact persons and registration for anaesthesiology

The Department of Anaesthesiology at Bethesda Hospital supports around 5000 patients a year before, during and after surgical procedures and in obstetrics. We are at your side and ensure that you feel no pain during your operation. Thanks to the well-coordinated teamwork of anaesthetists, other doctors and nursing staff, you will be safely cared for at all times.

In our anaesthesiology department, we offer the entire spectrum of state-of-the-art general anaesthesia (anaesthetics) and partial anaesthesia. During the consultation, we will discuss important key points with you, such as concomitant illnesses, previous anaesthesia and medication intake. Together we will define the most suitable anaesthesia procedure for you to ensure a safe and successful operation.

Anaesthesiology registration form

Highly specialised, experienced and equipped with state-of-the-art devices

In the anaesthesiology department at Bethesda Hospital, all important organ functions for all forms of anaesthesia are monitored seamlessly using state-of-the-art equipment. A duty doctor is present in the clinic at all times of the day and night. In addition, your attending physician or his or her deputy can be contacted at any time through the clinic if necessary. Our nursing wards are in continuous operation and an operating theatre and anaesthesia team is on call around the clock to ensure that you are accompanied safely at all times.

During a general anaesthetic, your consciousness is switched off and you are put into an artificial deep sleep during which you feel no pain. Your reflexes are also muted in this state. The surgical preparations (e.g. insertion of a breathing tube) only begin once you are deeply asleep.

Using state-of-the-art procedures, the respective depth of anaesthesia can be adapted precisely to your needs and is therefore safe, gentle and individual.

Do you have any questions? We will be happy to help you.

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During a partial or regional anaesthetic, the affected area of the body is made insensitive - the patient remains awake. You will be asked in advance whether you would also like a sedative medication ("sedation").

A basic distinction is made between the following types of regional anaesthesia:

  • Spinal anaesthesia
    A local anaesthetic (local anaesthetic) is injected into the lumbar vertebrae below the spinal cord near the nerves. This technique, which has been tried and tested for decades, is mainly used for operations in the lower body region. Spinal anaesthesia is the method of choice for planned caesarean section operations.
  • Peridural anaesthesia (PDA)
    To relieve pain during birth or after major surgery, a catheter can be placed near the spinal nerves, through which a local anaesthetic is administered.
  • Peripheral regional anaesthesia
    The ultrasound-guided blockade of individual nerves or nerve bundles with local anaesthetics can desensitise individual regions of the body. This type of regional anaesthesia is used for shoulder operations, elbow and hand operations, knee and ankle operations and breast operations.

    In the case of painful operations, the effect is prolonged by inserting a fine catheter, which enables efficient pain treatment to be achieved in the first few days after the operation. This procedure can either be combined with a spinal or general anaesthetic or, in the case of selected operations, can also be carried out as a pure partial anaesthetic.

    Your specialist will be happy to discuss these options with you in detail during the anaesthesia consultation.
  • Intravenous regional anaesthesia
    In this procedure, the anaesthetic is injected directly into a vein in the affected part of the body, e.g. in the hand or foot. This simple method is mainly used for short procedures in the hand area.
  • local anaesthesia (local anaesthetic)
    Minor procedures (e.g. port insertion, pain stimulator) can often be performed entirely under local anaesthetic. Here, the primary task of our anaesthesia team is to monitor your circulation and breathing during the procedure.

Do you have any questions? We are here for you!


You are in good hands with us: At Bethesda Hospital, we have been involved in anaesthesiology for many years - this area is one of our core competencies and we offer you the best treatment in Basel and north-western Switzerland.

With us you will find top-class medicine combined with the personal atmosphere that is typical for us.

The specialists at the Clinic for Anaesthesiology are big "ultrasound fans" and use their knowledge specifically for your benefit. Thanks to our many years of experience as clinicians and as nationally and internationally active instructors, we have acquired unique expertise in the field of partial anaesthesia. Many patients appreciate the gentle option of ultrasound-guided regional anaesthesia in order to avoid a general anaesthetic in certain circumstances. Please discuss our services in this area with your specialist during the anaesthesia consultation.

Well-known hypnosis techniques can help to take away your fear of anaesthesia or surgery. However, we are talking here about a supplement rather than a replacement for anaesthesia. Our specialist staff use specific hypnosis techniques to provide you with individualised support. This may simply involve distracting you while the infusion is being placed or playing your favourite music to help you fall asleep.

We all want your stay with us at Bethesda Hospital to go smoothly and without complications. That's why it's reassuring to know that the specialists at the Department of Anaesthesiology are also trained in emergency medicine. We are there for you around the clock in the shortest possible time should you need us.

Chief Physician
