Care management - on the dimensions of professional care

We facilitate and promote the development of exemplary, professional nursing practice. Our nursing staff provide their best theoretical and practical knowledge for our patients, new mothers and newborns.

We understand the nursing process as the core of our independent spectrum of action. In its implementation, we combine empirical knowledge with evidence-based findings and bring this together with the specific patient situation.

We employ carers with a wide range of qualifications and skills as well as apprentices and students with different levels of training. In this way, we sustainably secure the need for nursing staff with different educational qualifications. Together, we achieve excellent nursing patient outcomes. Our care system is characterised by personal and individual contact with patients and their relatives and their active involvement in care.

The nursing service operates in a dynamic environment. It is characterised by an open attitude towards innovation and development.

We understand leadership to be the conscious, goal-orientated mutual influence with the purpose of evaluating the present, ensuring further development and shaping the future.
Our attitude to leadership is based on our values and is reflected in collaborative behaviour.

  • Leadership shapes the framework conditions of the working environment and work organisation
  • For us, leadership means self-management and personal development
  • Leadership means consistently focussing our actions on the results to be achieved in cooperation with one another
  • For us, leadership means recognising strengths and potential, systematically promoting them and transforming them into action skills
  • For us, leadership means exemplifying a positive, constructive attitude, even under challenging conditions
  • Leadership is based on a trusting, value-based relationship
  • Leadership utilises various leadership tools
According to Nerdinger, 2012, Grundlagen des Verhaltens in Organisationen, 3rd edition 2012, W. Kohlhammer GmbHm Stuttgart

Professional care promotes and maintains health, prevents damage to health and supports people in the treatment and management of the effects of illnesses and their therapies. The aim is to achieve the best possible treatment and care outcomes and the best possible quality of life in all phases of life until death.

Professional care... aimed at people at all stages of life, at individuals, families, groups and communities, at the sick and their relatives, as well as the disabled and the healthy.

...includes, on a continuum, tasks for health maintenance and promotion, for prevention, in antenatal and obstetric care, in acute illnesses, during convalescence and rehabilitation, in long-term care and in palliative care. based on a relationship between the person being cared for and the carer, which is characterised by the latter's caring attention, empathy and compassion. The relationship allows the development of the resources of those involved, openness to the closeness necessary for care and the definition of common goals.

...assesses the resources and care needs of the people receiving care, sets goals, plans care interventions, implements them (using the necessary interpersonal and technical skills) and evaluates the results. based on evidence, reflected experience and the preferences of the person being cared for, incorporates physical, psychological, spiritual, life-world, socio-cultural, age and gender-related aspects and takes ethical guidelines into account.

...includes clinical, educational, scientific and management tasks, which are carried out by carers with basic training and those with various further training, generalists and specialists.

...takes place in cooperation with the people being cared for, caring relatives and members of assistance professions in a multi-professional team with doctors (responsible for medical diagnostics and therapy) and members of other healthcare professions. Carers take on leadership roles or work under the direction of others. However, they are always
responsible for their own decisions, actions and behaviour. practised both in healthcare institutions and outside them, wherever people live, learn and work.

Definition according to Spichiger et al. (2004) for the "Future of Medicine Switzerland" project of the Swiss Academy of Medical Sciences. Includes the elements of the definition of the International Council of Nurses ICN (2008)
Sources: ICN (2008) Nursing Care Continuum: Framework and Competencies, ICN Regulation Series - Spichiger, E., Kesselring, A., Spirig, R. De Geest, S. (2004) Professional nursing redefined: Two core propositions and eight additions.Nursing 8/2004

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