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14. February 2022

Basel private hospitals with 221,744 nursing days in 2021

In 2021, 26,745 (2020: 25,737) patients received inpatient treatment at the seven clinics belonging to the Basel Private Hospital Association (BSPV): Adullam Hospital, Bethesda Hospital, Klinik Sonnenhalde Riehen, Merian Iselin Clinic, Hildegard Palliative Centre, REHAB Basel and St. Claraspital.

The number of nursing days/nights at all institutions totalled 221,744 (2020: 215,443). Acute care accounted for 119,540 of these, rehabilitation for 73,005, psychiatry for 22,641 and palliative care for 6,558. 104,115 nursing days were attributable to patients from Basel-Stadt, 72,258 to patients from Basel-Landschaft
Baselland. 34,557 nursing days were for patients from the rest of Switzerland and 10,814 for patients from abroad.
The proportion of nursing days of all private hospitals to patients with general insurance was 160,279 or 72.3 per cent; the proportion of patients with semi-private and private insurance was 61,465 or 27.7 per cent. With this high proportion of generally insured patients, the non-profit private hospitals in Basel make a considerable contribution to the basic care of the population in the region.
In close cooperation with the canton and the public hospitals, the private hospitals also made a major contribution to overcoming the Covid-19 pandemic in 2021.
The seven private hospitals in Basel cover around a quarter of regional healthcare provision (BS/BL) in the areas of acute medicine, psychiatry, rehabilitation and palliative care. With 2,848 full-time jobs, they represent a significant economic factor.

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