01. January 2022
Dr Christoph Hartmann promoted to Head Physician Rehabilitation
We are delighted to welcome Dr Christoph Hartmann as Head Physician in Rehabilitation from January 2022.
As a dedicated senior physician, Christoph Hartmann has worked tirelessly over the past five years to ensure that inpatient rehabilitation at Bethesda Hospital functions well and that patients benefit. As a colleague, he has always been able to maintain close cooperation with the various specialist disciplines and thus contribute to a good working atmosphere and team spirit.
During this time, he has been able to continuously expand his specialist knowledge and, in addition to his specialist title in general internal medicine, has now also successfully completed his specialist title in physical medicine and rehabilitation. We are all the more pleased that Dr Hartmann will continue to be committed to Bethesda Hospital and thus certainly contribute to the continued success of the rehabilitation clinic.
As President of the Bethesda Hospital Staff Committee, he has already assumed his extended functions within the organisation.
We would like to congratulate Dr Hartmann on his promotion and wish him every success in the future.