14. May 2024
Strengthening palliative care in north-west Switzerland: Bethesda Spital AG takes over Hildegard Klinik AG
Bethesda Spital and Hildegard Klinik have enjoyed a long-standing, established and fruitful collaboration. This is now being strengthened by the takeover of Hildegard Klinik AG by Bethesda Spital AG. The merger not only strengthens palliative care in north-western Switzerland - it also brings together specialised expertise at one location, which will benefit patients and staff in the long term.
Bethesda Spital AG acquired all shares in Hildegard Klinik AG from the Hildegard Hospice Foundation with effect from 1 January 2024. Hildegard Klinik AG will be run as a subsidiary of Bethesda Spital AG until the end of 2024 and will be incorporated into Bethesda Spital AG on 1 January 2025.
Strategic vision and synergies:
The decision to integrate is based on three main points:
- Structural necessities
The previous location of the Hildegard Palliative Centre on St. Alban-Ring no longer meets modern requirements. Even a total refurbishment would not have been able to meet today's requirements, and a new building is no longer possible due to a change in the zoning plan.
- Strategic orientation
The Hildegard anticipated the currently prevailing conditions in the healthcare sector back in 2010 and is now financially sound as a renowned clinic for specialised palliative care. The takeover by Bethesda Spital AG ensures the continuation of this important medical service.
- Synergies and expansion of the range of services offered by Bethesda Spital AG
The integration into Bethesda Spital AG enables the expansion of additional services, particularly in the areas of musculoskeletal and rehabilitation. The result is a comprehensive, holistic range of treatments that fits in perfectly with the philosophy of the Bethesda Diaconal Foundation.
Shaping the future together: our goals and visions
The takeover of the Hildegard Palliative Care Centre by Bethesda opens doors to a shared future in which the focus is on securing and expanding the specialised palliative care services for the Basel region. At the same time, we are helping to realise the political will for efficient and high-quality healthcare.
Our aim is not only to preserve jobs, but also to strengthen patient care by jointly creating an integrated and holistic healthcare offering centred around palliative care to complement the existing focus areas of "musculoskeletal system" and "rehabilitation". This strategically favourable starting position lays the foundation for high-quality, integrated healthcare that will benefit people in the Basel region and beyond.
The parties involved have agreed not to disclose the purchase price.
With the acquisition of Hildegard Klinik AG, we are strengthening our commitment to comprehensive and specialised patient care. This step enables us to supplement our existing services with high-quality palliative care and to further expand our vision of holistic care. In addition, with the integration we are consistently pursuing the political will for efficient and high-quality healthcare in north-west Switzerland.
Thomas Rudin, CEO Bethesda Hospital
The move to Bethesda Hospital offers new opportunities for comprehensive patient care that would not have been possible at the previous location of the Hildegard Palliative Centre. This will allow the centre to develop further. We are grateful for the solution that has been found.
Felix Bürgel, Chairman of the Hildegard Hospice Foundation Board (Foundation)