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Interview with Fiona Spuler, nursing specialist FH in training

Today we conducted an interview with Fiona Spuler. Fiona has already successfully completed her training as a healthcare specialist and has now started training for a Bachelor's degree in Nursing (FH).

You have already trained as a healthcare specialist and have now started your Bachelor's degree in Nursing (FH). What motivates you to do this?

I realised early on that nursing is a profession in which I feel comfortable and enjoy working. I already experienced a lot during my 3 years of training and was able to experience many areas of everyday nursing care. I already knew in my first year of training as a healthcare assistant that I wanted to continue my education in this field. The big incentive for me was to learn more. To learn exactly why you do what, to understand the processes in the body and the measures derived from them and to learn to scrutinise them. I wanted to have more responsibility and become a bit of a professional in my field.

how do you see the difference between a nursing specialist FH and a nursing specialist HF?

A nursing specialist FH learns the same practical skills as a nursing specialist HF. What they also learn is how to work with research and evidence-based care. We learn to scrutinise concepts and inform ourselves with the help of studies. We are taught an even broader theoretical background. We also have a Bachelor's degree, which is automatically recognised internationally and opens up more opportunities for further training.

«For me personally, one of the best feelings is when I can support patients in their situations and I can make someone laugh»

Fiona Spuler, nursing specialist FH in training

What do you think makes our profession attractive?

In our profession, we are in close contact with people of all kinds. We are able to support people in a wide variety of life situations and at the same time can take away an incredible amount for our own lives. Furthermore, the field of nursing is as broad as you could wish for. We have the opportunity to further our education in every direction and familiarise ourselves with a wide variety of areas. This opportunity also allows us to acquire a wealth of knowledge in a wide variety of areas

What has been your best experience so far in your day-to-day work as a carer?

I think it's difficult to choose one experience. For me personally, one of the best feelings is when I can support patients in their situations and make someone laugh. When I can put a smile on a patient's face and go home with the feeling that I've done something good, that's the best experience.

What do you wish our profession for the "Year of the Nurse and the Midwife"?

I wish everyone a successful, fulfilling and eventful year. I wish us all that our profession is recognised in the way we all deserve. That our potential is recognised and that you are all proud of yourselves.

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