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02. November 2023

Movember: a moustache with significance for men's health

November at Bethesda Hospital is now wearing a moustache - and for good reason! Movember is here, and we're taking a stand for men's health. Read on to find out how a simple moustache can help us address important health issues.

What is Movember?

Movember is a global movement that focuses on men's health. Originally launched in Australia, Movember has established itself as an annual campaign aimed at raising awareness and understanding of the health challenges men face.

The moustache as a symbol

During Movember, men around the world grow their moustaches to raise awareness for men's health. This seemingly simple act can actually spark profound conversations about issues that otherwise often go unmentioned.

Movember at Bethesda Hospital: Setting an example

In line with the global movement, we at Bethesda Hospital are encouraging all men to grow a moustache to show solidarity and raise awareness for men's health. Our internal moustache competition is fun and encourages dialogue on a serious topic.

«Every moustache we see at Bethesda Hospital represents our commitment to putting men's health in the spotlight this month. »

Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO), member of hospital management

Focus on men's health

Movember is not just about growing facial hair. It's about raising awareness of serious health issues:

  • Prostate cancer
    Thousands of men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year. Early detection can be life-saving, so regular check-ups are crucial. Symptoms such as frequent urination, difficulty starting the urine stream or pain when ejaculating should be checked by a doctor.
  • Testicular cancer
    Testicular cancer mainly affects young men. It is important to carry out regular self-examinations. Pay attention to changes in the shape, size or consistency of your testicles
  • Mental health
    Men are particularly vulnerable to mental health problems and suicide, but often don't talk about it. Movember encourages men to talk openly about their mental health and seek professional help if they feel overwhelmed.
  • Suicide risk
    Suicide is one of the leading causes of death for men. The stigma around mental health and the traditional image of 'masculinity' can make it difficult for men to seek help. Movember encourages men to actively look after their mental health and seek support when needed. Signs of suicidal behaviour can include withdrawal from social life, persistent sadness or feelings of hopelessness. It is crucial to take these warning signs seriously and seek professional help.

An appeal to all men

We are calling on men everywhere to join Movember - regardless of whether they are part of Bethesda Hospital or not. It's about making a strong statement together. Men, let's break the taboos and take responsibility for our health.

Moustache care and styling

Even if it's for a good cause, we want your moustaches to look good! Here are some moustache grooming tips to help you look your best:

  • Start with clean and dry hair for styling.
  • Invest in good grooming products such as beard oil or wax.
  • Brush regularly to keep the shape and remove dead skin cells.

Closing words

Movember is more than just a time for moustaches; it's an opportunity to have conversations about health issues that affect men worldwide. Together, let's advocate for more awareness and change, break the social taboos and create an environment where men's health is not only taken seriously, but actively promoted. Each of us can make a contribution - be it by growing a moustache, having a conversation or supporting others in their quest for health. At Bethesda Hospital, change starts with a moustache, but it doesn't end there. Let's use this Movember to make a real difference.