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01. December 2022

Orthopaedics Clinic at Bethesda Hospital is one of the best specialist clinics in Switzerland

The HANDELSZEITUNG, PME and Statista have selected and published the "Best Specialist Clinics in Switzerland 2023" ranking. The top 35 clinics in orthopaedics, the top 25 clinics in rehabilitation and the top 20 clinics in cardiology and psychiatry were selected from over 270 hospitals. The Orthopaedics Clinic at Bethesda Hospital was honoured in this comprehensive analysis in the field of orthopaedics and belongs to the select group of "Best Specialist Clinics".

The methodology of the ranking

The data source is diverse, based on discussions with experts, analyses of case numbers and relevant hospital data - and of course on patient assessments:

  • Data sources
    The analysis is based on three data sources. Firstly, on a national online survey conducted by Statista between June and August in cooperation with the "Handelszeitung" newspaper and the French-speaking Swiss magazine PME among 4,400 medical experts, including primarily doctors, hospital managers and other medical staff such as nurses. For patient satisfaction, data from the National Association for Quality Development in Hospitals and Clinics was analysed for the specialist areas of acute somatics, rehabilitation and psychiatry. Sources from the Federal Office of Public Health, the National Association for Quality Development in Hospitals and Clinics and the Quality Medicine Initiative were used for the medical indicators.
  • Survey
    The medical professionals were asked to recommend clinics in their primary speciality. They could also recommend hospitals in their secondary speciality. They were not allowed to recommend the hospital where they were employed.
  • Patients
    In terms of patient satisfaction, questions were asked about the quality of treatment, whether patients had the opportunity to ask the medical staff questions, how long the stay lasted and how the hospital discharge was organised.
  • Key figures
    General values were collected for the key figures in orthopaedics and cardiology: the frequency of wound infections, pressure ulcers, falls and re-hospitalisation rates (they show how many patients required a further hospital stay after treatment and how many implants were replaced), as well as mortality and case numbers. In the rehabilitation clinics, the success of treatment was measured on the basis of various values such as the functional capacity of the musculoskeletal system in everyday life, while in psychiatry the aim was to record the symptom burden from the perspective of patients and carers.

About the Orthopaedics Clinic at Bethesda Hospital

The Orthopaedics Clinic at Bethesda Hospital, which is run by the University Hospital, has a second location at Bethesda Hospital for elective, i.e. plannable, treatments and operations in addition to the main location.

At the Orthopaedics Clinic at Bethesda Hospital, you can enjoy university medical treatment at the highest level. And all this in the personalised atmosphere of a private hospital. We have made this combination our guiding principle: "University & Personal".