05. January 2024
The nurses at Bethesda Hospital Basel
An emotional documentary film tells the story of the evangelical Methodist sisters who founded Bethesda Hospital Basel 100 years ago
A century ago, an emotional story was written at Bethesda Hospital Basel. It was the time when evangelical Methodist sisters laid the foundations for this important medical centre. Their dedication and commitment have left their mark on Bethesda Spital Basel.
This fascinating journey into the past is now being captured in a documentary film entitled "Dranbleiben an der Hoffnung" (Keeping Hope alive). The film tells the inspiring story of the sisters and their mission to help people in need. Their stories of selflessness and dedication are an important part of Bethesda Hospital's legacy.
It is a story that reminds us of the importance of holding on to hope and standing up for the good of others. The documentary film "Holding on to Hope" is a tribute to these remarkable women and the values they stand for.
Regionaljournal Basel visited the sisters at the end of our centenary year.
Watch the film