Volunteer support in palliative care at Bethesda Hospital
It is impossible to imagine our palliative care centre without our volunteers, as they are an integral part of the care network at our centre. They donate their time to patients and relatives in a variety of ways, e.g. by talking to them or being there for them. We would like to sincerely thank our volunteers for their selfless commitment and greatly appreciate their cooperation.
Volunteers accompany and care for patients and their relatives on the wards, always focussing on their wishes.
They give their time and attention for conversations, walks, games, reading aloud, sitting vigil and being there. Volunteers also run small errands or accompany patients to appointments.
Volunteers with a social or therapy dog
Therapy or social dogs are used in animal-assisted therapy. Working as a team with their owners, the trusting animals bring variety to the patients, provide a sense of security, reduce stress and motivate them to socialise. Together they regularly visit the patients in our palliative care centre. These visits serve to bring variety into everyday life at the clinic and bring joy, but also have a calming effect on those affected. The dogs also give them the opportunity to communicate with the outside world in a different way.
Your contact persons
Are you also interested in volunteering at our palliative care centre?
Then please contact us by e-mail at freiwillige@bethesda-spital. ch or by telephone on 061 315 29 30.
The volunteer management team will be happy to answer any questions or provide additional information.