Volunteers in palliative care at Bethesda Hospital

Volunteers are committed people who support patients, relatives, visitors and the staff at the palliative care centre in a variety of ways. You too can give some of your time to seriously and terminally ill people.

The volunteers are indispensable for the palliative care centre. They give patients and their relatives time and attention, thus enriching life in our centre. the wishes of the patients always take centre stage.

Our team is currently complete. We would be happy to put you on our waiting list.

  • Patient support
    • Conversations
    • Walking
    • Playing
    • Reading aloud
    • Being
  • Accompanying relatives
  • Conversations, support
  • Individual support
  • Sitting vigil - day and night
  • External support, by arrangement
  • Reliable, team player, communicative, flexible
  • Able to take a step back
  • Willingness to do a weekly assignment (3 hours)
  • Very good oral German skills

Our team is currently complete. If you are interested, we will put you on our waiting list.

The care team will be happy to put you in touch with the volunteer management team.

You can contact us directly at
E-mail: freiwilligenarbeitPZBSB@bethesda-spital.notexisting@nodomain.comch
Phone +41 61 315 29 86.

Your contact persons

The volunteer management team will be happy to answer any questions or provide additional information.