Outpatient before inpatient (AVOS)

Medical and technical developments are making it possible to perform more and more operations on an outpatient basis. In an international comparison, there is still great potential in Switzerland to shift from inpatient to outpatient care - while maintaining the same quality of treatment. A shift meets the need of patients not to be hospitalised unnecessarily and contributes to a reduction in overall expenditure in the healthcare system.

We are happy to provide you with the AVOS form for inpatient stays and refer you to the official website of the BS Department of Health on the subject of AVOS.

In co-operation with Bethesda Hospital, the responsibilities and the process are defined as follows.

  1. Checking the "Outpatient before inpatient" criteria list:
    The attending physician or the clinic checks the "Outpatient before inpatient" criteria list (link to list).
  2. Decision on treatment:
    If exceptional criteria apply, the attending physician or the clinic decides and is responsible for ensuring that the procedure is carried out as an inpatient.
  3. Completion of the application form:
    The attending physician or clinic completes the application form in accordance with the general, non-specific criteria. (Link to the criteria)
  4. Submission of the application to the Department of Health:
    The application is submitted to the Department of Health at the patient's place of residence no later than 5 working days before the operation: Basel-Stadt or Basel-Landschaft
  5. transmission of the surgery application to Bethesda Hospital:
    After receiving the cost approval from the Department of Health, the attending physician or clinic sends the surgery registration and the cost approval to Bethesda Hospital.
    The transmission can be made via Medforms, DocBox or PDF - in each case with the cost approval as a PDF attachment.

If you have any questions, please email us at medico@bethesda-spital.notexisting@nodomain.comch.