Thank you very much for your interest in a position at Bethesda Hospital.

We kindly ask you to adhere to our recruitment process "Applying to Bethesda Hospital". For environmental and processing reasons, we very much appreciate it if you apply online. You will find the links to the application form directly in the respective job descriptions.

We look forward to receiving your documents.

Applying at Bethesda

We would like to ask you to adhere to the application process. We will also give you some tips on the application process. The application dossier gives us a first impression of you as a candidate. It is therefore important to compile the documents in a company- and function-specific manner.

Work with us

The personnel policy is based on the mission statement of Bethesda Spital AG. It aims to make a decisive contribution to achieving the company's objectives. The terms and conditions of employment are based on the values of Bethesda Spital AG and are aimed at all employees.

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