«Patient safety and well-being are always our top priority»
Thomas Franke, Head of the Nursing Department at Bethesda Hospital
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25. April 2022
A comprehensive pre-clinical consultation ensures quality - this principle also applies before an operation. The pre-operative nursing consultation at Bethesda Hospital is all about planning the inpatient stay and the time afterwards as well as possible. This service is unique in the Basel region.
Erika Bucher* needed a new hip. The 85-year-old senior citizen lives alone in her flat, but is increasingly dependent on support due to the onset of dementia. So what should she do after this operation? Mrs Bucher and her son were happy to be able to talk to a carer about the time afterwards before the operation. At Bethesda Hospital, all patients have the benefit of a pre-operative nursing consultation before they are admitted to hospital. The aim of this consultation is to get to know each other and to assess possible restrictions, risks and the expected care requirements.
«Patient safety and well-being are always our top priority»
"The impetus for the project was influenced by the fact that patients are increasingly being admitted for surgery directly on the day of the operation, which means that there is often not enough time for a thorough nursing assessment. Thanks to the pre-operative nursing consultation, we are able to assess the need for care, possible risks and individual needs well before admission and record them electronically. All relevant information is collated and is directly available to the responsible nursing staff on the day of admission," says Thomas Franke, Head of the Nursing Department at Bethesda Hospital. This nursing assessment takes place one to two weeks before the procedure, directly after the anaesthesia consultation. Particularly in the case of older people with multiple illnesses
a number of points to consider. Depending on the situation, the necessary care measures can be initiated in advance, any risks taken into account and specific aids provided.
The time after the inpatient stay is also discussed: Is a subsequent stay in a rehabilitation clinic planned? Does Spitex support need to be organised? The discussion includes both standardised and individual aspects. "It's not just about physical and medical issues, but also about questions of everyday care and social participation after returning to the familiar surroundings." Such information is important both for inpatient care and for the time afterwards. During the conversation with the Bucher family
family, it emerged that Spitex had to be organised for the time after rehabilitation. The senior citizen also wanted a single room - this was made possible with an upgrade. It was good that her son was present during this discussion. "Family carers are often overwhelmed by multiple illnesses. That's why it's important to involve the carers at an early stage so that they can also be relieved."
* Name changed to protect the patient.