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01. October 2022

Hand in hand through the recovery process after the operation

From the acute phase to rehabilitation and outpatient follow-up treatment - at Bethesda Hospital, patients receive the best possible treatment from a single source.

After an operation or following treatment in hospital, activating follow-up treatment and comprehensive rehabilitation are important in order to be able to return to everyday life quickly. Anyone who is already undergoing inpatient treatment at Bethesda Hospital can then quickly transfer to the in-house rehabilitation clinic.

An individual and tailor-made programme

"The programme is suitable for anyone who has problems with their musculoskeletal system, for example after joint surgery, chronic back pain or polyarthritis," says Dr Chris Hartmann, Head of Rehabilitation at Bethesda Hospital. Rehabilitation is available to everyone and can be used on an inpatient or outpatient basis. The programme is also suitable for older people with pre-existing conditions. The in-house programme offers enormous advantages.

«Anyone who has an operation with us can transfer to our rehabilitation department after two to three days and is already familiar with the hospital and its procedures.»

Chris Hartmann, Head Physician Rehabilitation

A big plus: our in-house physiotherapy

Staff continuity is one of our greatest strengths. It is not unusual for the patient to see the same physiotherapist for the first mobilisation after the operation, who accompanies them through the acute phase and later in rehabilitation, i.e. throughout the entire treatment pathway," explains Peter Goerttler, Head of the Therapy & Training Centre at Bethesda Hospital. This creates a lot of trust, as the therapist knows exactly how the patient is doing. "We have contact with everyone involved, know all the reports and can seamlessly continue the treatment from the operating theatre to the outpatient setting later on without any loss of communication. Thanks to our large pool of staff, many competences are bundled together."

«Our therapy bath is particularly suitable for people who can only bear partial weight, as the buoyancy relieves the patient's own weight so that movements are easier.»

Peter Goerttler, Head of the Therapy & Training Centre

Weightless training in the therapy pool

Rehabilitation patients receive an individually tailored programme, which includes one to two individual physiotherapy sessions and various group therapies per day. "As we can also offer medical training therapy (MTT), we instruct patients early on after their operation with simple exercises that they can then build on later," says Goerttler. There is also an in-house therapy pool available. "It is particularly suitable if someone can only partially bear weight, as the buoyancy relieves the patient's own weight so that movements are easier." As the bath has different water depths, the exercises can be carried out standing up. The heat also provides relief for rheumatological problems. "Water therapy trains different areas of the body and, in addition to building up muscles, also promotes coordination and well-being. This makes it an ideal form of therapy for older people in particular," Dr Hartmann sums up.

Focus on the musculoskeletal system at Bethesda Hospital

Whether back problems, rheumatism or arthritis: the musculoskeletal system is a core competence of Bethesda Hospital. Experienced doctors and accredited attending physicians are at your side in our in-house clinics. From consultations and personalised advice through to complex treatment, we are there for you and treat your concerns attentively and with respect.