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31. October 2022

Successful re-certification of the Rheumatism/Pain Clinic for interventional pain therapy

We are very pleased about the SSIPM re-certification of our rheumatism/pain clinic. The Interventional Pain Therapy certificate is a specialised qualification for the treatment of pain.

doctors with this certificate come from various disciplines such as rheumatology, neurology, anaesthesiology, surgery and physical medicine. They specialise in the identification and clarification of various pain conditions and deal in depth with pain physiology and the mechanisms of pain development. Interventional pain therapy comprises and combines various forms of pain relief treatment.

These include drug therapy, physical therapy (physiotherapy) and, in particular, invasive techniques such as local anaesthesia, injections to nerve roots along the spine (periradicular injections) or blockages of nerves in the area of the autonomic nervous system.

The influence that pain has on the psychological well-being of those affected is another aspect that is taken into account in interventional pain therapy. If necessary, treatment is also carried out on an interdisciplinary basis with the involvement of psychiatrists and psychotherapists.

«"The successful re-certification in pain therapy means a lot to us and shows that we are one of the leading treatment centres in north-western Switzerland"»

Dr David Hänggi, MBA HSG, Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Member of the Hospital Management Board

Rheumatism/pain clinic at Bethesda Hospital

At Bethesda Hospital, you will find rheumatology and pain medicine combined in one clinic - the various specialists tailor the treatment precisely to your needs. All our specialists have extensive experience in the diagnosis and treatment of rheumatic diseases and pain syndromes. The humanity and professional quality of our staff ensure a trusting and respectful working relationship - with each other and with our patients, who we treat individually and comprehensively.

Rehabilitation clinic at Bethesda Hospital

Rehabilitation at Bethesda Hospital stands for holistic patient care. Far removed from purely diagnosis-based treatment, it focuses on functionality for activities and social participation, also with regard to further quality of life.

During the rehabilitation stay, we - the rehabilitation specialists - also address the increasing challenges of polymorbidity and polypharmacy and provide patients with appropriate holistic support