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25. August 2020

The joy of life returns with mobility

The rehabilitation clinic at Bethesda Hospital is SW!SS-Reha certified and is one of the leading rehabilitation clinics in Switzerland. Careful and comprehensive rehabilitation after an operation is extremely important for the patient's return to their usual quality of life. At the rehabilitation clinic at Bethesda Hospital, this is offered in the best possible way - from a single source.

Ursula Sommer* was an active, fun-loving woman before her back operation. After the
After the operation, she was severely restricted in her mobility and faced great difficulties: She had to climb two flights of stairs, each with twelve steps, at home - how she was supposed to manage this was not at all clear to her at the time. After the operation, the 75-year-old pensioner was transferred to Bethesda Hospital for rehabilitation.

"In addition to the severe pain in the wound area around the small of her back, we diagnosed significant gait instability and difficulties controlling her upright stance during the initial examination," says Dr Marcel Weber, Chief Physician a.i. of the Rehabilitation Clinic.

"She also lacked the confidence to climb stairs," adds Senior Physician and Deputy Head of Rehabilitation Dr Christoph Hartmann, "her body and especially her back posture were not yet ideal due to the operation and had to be strengthened and rebuilt."

«The success was not long in coming. After just ten days, Mrs Sommer was already taking long walks in the beautiful park at Bethesda Hospital.»

Dr Christoph Hartmann, Senior Physician and Deputy Head of Rehabilitation

Personalised build-up plan

In view of these challenges, the doctors, therapists and nursing staff drew up a therapy plan tailored to the patient. The focus was on strengthening the back muscles. The patient also had to learn an ergonomic back posture. The individual treatments were supplemented with strength training on equipment and playful group sessions. Soothing massages were used to relax the muscles; heat applications were used to treat hardened muscle strands. Walking and stair training was continuously developed and expanded.

Mrs Sommer visibly blossomed. Her back posture was already much better at this point and the painkillers could be completely discontinued by the end of her stay. "After a 14-day stay, Mrs Sommer was allowed to go home. She has made great progress and worked with commitment," attests Dr Weber and is pleased: "Mrs Sommer is standing securely on her feet again; she can climb stairs again without any problems.

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