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03. January 2022

Our goal is the most natural birth possible

Die Förderung der Eltern-Kind-Bindung ist für uns essenziell

For many women, giving birth to their child as naturally as possible without having to forego the safety of a modern hospital is becoming increasingly important. We fulfil this wish by providing individual midwife care and avoiding unnecessary interventions.

Traditional midwifery, homeopathy and acupuncture are used here. The in-house midwifery team is supplemented by freelance midwives. In our House of Birth, the midwives working there attend births without the involvement of a doctor.

The work of the midwives is supported by competent medical supervision of the birth process. This includes an individual risk assessment in advance and, if necessary, diagnostic procedures such as ultrasound during the birth. The partnership-based cooperation between midwives and doctors, in which each professional group contributes its specific expertise, is our strength and the basis for the success of our obstetric care. There is always a competent specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics at the hospital.

« There is always a competent specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics at the hospital.»

Dr Bernd Gerresheim, Head of Obstetrics

Caesarean section only on request or for medical reasons

Thanks to our extensive obstetric experience, we are often able to dispense with interventions such as inductions of labour, episiotomies or caesarean sections. Our figures in this respect are well below the Swiss average. If an intervention is nevertheless necessary, it can be carried out very quickly and with great expertise. Collaboration with the maternity centre also takes place hand in hand here and is always very prompt due to the short distance to the maternity clinic.

«For us, promoting parent-child bonding is not a "nice to have" or a marketing strategy, but an essential part of modern obstetrics.»

Dr Bernd Gerresheim, Head of Obstetrics

Promoting the parent-child bond is essential for us

When promoting parent-child bonding, it is important to us that skin-to-skin contact between mother and child is as early, intensive and continuous as possible. Thanks to optimal interprofessional cooperation, this is possible even in the case of a caesarean section. We are constantly adapting our procedures in the mother and child unit to create an atmosphere that promotes bonding by providing as much peace and quiet as possible for mother and child. The professional groups involved - midwives, nursing staff, breastfeeding consultants, gynaecologists and paediatricians - work as a team that focuses on the special needs of young families.