01. January 2024

Importance of folic acid: from planning to pregnancy

Folsäure bei Kinderwunsch und Schwangerschaft

Folic acid is particularly important before pregnancy in order to become pregnant. But folic acid also makes sense during pregnancy so that the baby can develop healthily.

Why is folic acid important during pregnancy

A folic acid deficiency impairs the development of the child's nervous system. For this reason, it is more than advisable to have folic acid prescribed from the first week of pregnancy, i.e. as early as possible. This is part of the preparation for pregnancy, as otherwise health risks for the mother and the baby are possible.

A daily requirement of 400 μg folic acid is recommended for adolescents and adults, while pregnant and breastfeeding women should even double this amount.the regular daily intake of folic acid should not exceed 1 mg, as side effects can occur with an increased intake of folic acid, especially in the case of a possible vitamin B12 deficiency.

Unfortunately, a balanced diet during pregnancy is not enough to ensure that the baby develops healthily, as not even ten per cent of pregnant women achieve this.

Folic acid in food

If you want to get pregnant, it is not enough just to calculate your fertile days. Folic acid before pregnancy is already very important for women who want to have children.

The vitamin belongs to the group of B vitamins. As the body cannot store this vitamin, it must be taken daily. Folic acid before pregnancy and, of course, during pregnancy can be obtained from all leafy vegetables, wholemeal products and many types of fruit.

A balanced diet with fresh vegetables, fruit and cereal products is a good preparation for pregnancy. Even if folic acid is contained in some foods, a healthy diet is often not enough. It is not uncommon for the vitamin to be destroyed during cooking (find tips on nutrient-preserving cooking here?). Folic acid therefore plays a major role and should be taken from the first or second week of pregnancy at the latest.

Folic acid before and after pregnancy

The vitamin is not only important when preparing for pregnancy and during pregnancy, but also afterwards. The exact period of intake is important here. For prevention, folic acid should be taken four weeks before the first week of pregnancy and up to 12 weeks after pregnancy. In addition to a potent man, a sufficient supply of folic acid is also crucial, as the early embryonic anlage of the nerve tissue, also known as the neural tube, closes in a foetus between the 22nd and 28th day after conception.

Folic acid deficiency can be responsible for malformations

In fact, care should be taken to ensure sufficient amounts of folic acid. Around 70 per cent of malformations are caused by a lack of folic acid. For example, a daily intake of 400 micrograms of folic acid can prevent so-called open back syndrome. A deficiency also increases the risk of miscarriage.

Further information and details about folic acid can be found at the Swiss Folic Acid Foundation.