«Sensitive communication and a high level of professional expertise are prerequisites for avoiding unnecessary anxiety and low-intervention obstetrics. »
Dr Bernd Gerresheim, Head of Obstetrics
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06. October 2021
Fortunately, the vast majority of children are born healthy and most pregnancies proceed without complications, even in older pregnant women. With our prenatal diagnostics, we aim to rule out foetal malformations and an increased risk for mother and child as early as possible through targeted screening.
This is the basis for personalised pregnancy care without unnecessary anxiety and low-intervention obstetrics. For this reason, the important prenatal diagnostic ultrasound examinations such as first trimester screening (BIO I) and organ fine diagnostics (BIO II) as well as invasive diagnostics (puncture of amniotic fluid or placenta) are only carried out by highly experienced examiners.
«Sensitive communication and a high level of professional expertise are prerequisites for avoiding unnecessary anxiety and low-intervention obstetrics. »
The head physician at the maternity clinic, Dr Bernd Gerresheim, has been recognised as a DEGUM level II ultrasound specialist since 2003 and holds certificates from the Swiss Society for Ultrasound in Medicine and the Fetal Medicine Foundation (London).
This means that, should the worst come to the worst, diagnostics and pregnancy support remain in one hand. In the event of suspected abnormalities, we are happy to provide a second opinion. Psychosocial counselling and support is guaranteed on site.
Prenatal examinations (prenatal diagnostics) are examinations that are carried out to obtain information about the health of the embryo. Expectant parents are not always initially aware of the uncertainties and decision-making constraints that can arise from the various tests. For this reason, prior individual counselling is very important before embarking on prenatal diagnostics.