What were your biggest fears and how did you deal with such a huge mental burden?
I'm a very pragmatic person - the first thing I did was think about my funeral. Then I quickly trusted that I would come out of the story with a black eye. After all, the lymph nodes were not affected and no metastases were found.
I also imagined that I would "age" for at least ten years in that six months. Unfortunately, the fact that I haven't worked for a long time has been confirmed; I'm still on sick leave because of my immune system. When I look in the mirror, I see a woman in her mid-forties, which is what I am. I read somewhere that for many women the worst thing about the treatment is losing their hair. I decided not to be too dramatic about it and to keep the "bad" level low... I mean, they grow back! Looking back, it wasn't "something" that was the worst thing, but the sum of all the little things that would be bearable on their own. The eternally dry mucous membranes, the cracked skin, the dripping nose due to a lack of nasal hair, the missing eyebrows and eyelashes, the taste disorders, the waking up at night, the tiredness, the digestive problems, the reduced social interaction... none of these things are bad on their own, but as a whole, at some point it's just enough and you just wish you could get back to everyday life.