Medical training therapy - your personalised training with expert support

Medical training therapy at Bethesda is open to all health-conscious people: Not just former patients, but anyone who wants to do something good for their body with strength and endurance training, mobility and coordination. Our qualified staff will help you to work on your mobility, stability and vitality and to train safely and efficiently on our high-quality equipment.

Would you like to find out more about our training options? Do you have specific complaints that you would like to discuss with us? Or would you like detailed and personalised advice on which training is right for you? We will be happy to help you in all these cases - here you will find an overview of our services.

The philosophy of medical training therapy at Bethesda Hospital consists of optimal care by highly qualified staff, individual training plans and training on high-quality equipment.

We offer you

  • individual support with a comprehensive training programme tailored to your personal needs and goals
  • 300 m² training area
  • Daylight with a view of the outdoors
  • over 40 training stations for endurance, strength, coordination and flexibility
  • various free weights and therapy climbing wall
  • latest Sensopro equipment for holistic coordination training for young and old
  • Introductory training and individual coaching sessions

Get in touch with us and find out more without obligation.

Contact hours (registration for therapy & training):

  • Monday to Thursday from 07.30 to 17.30 - by telephone until 18.00
  • Friday from 07.30 to 17.00
  • No appointments at the weekend

opening hours / training times:

We would be delighted to invite you to an introductory training session with us - get to know our premises, equipment and, above all, our friendly team!

  • Duration approx. 90 minutes
  • including preliminary clarification by our physiotherapists
  • Training introduction by experienced trainers
  • Free of charge
12 months subscription CHF 980
12-month partner subscription (living in the same household) CHF 730
6-month subscription CHF 655
3-month subscription CHF 420

All prices include VAT.

Enquire with your health insurance company about cost sharing for your training subscription.

Get in touch with us and find out more without obligation.

Contact hours (registration for therapy & training):

  • Monday to Thursday from 07.30 to 17.30 - by telephone until 18.00
  • Friday from 07.30 to 17.00
  • No appointments at the weekend

opening hours / training times:

«With us, you train under expert supervision with a view of the countryside. Together, we will tackle your goals - and soon ensure strong results.»

Claudia Picenoni, Head of Medical Training Therapy
(Bethesda Spital)

Virtual tour

The 360° tour of our medical training therapy centre gives you a comprehensive insight into our facilities from the comfort of your own home. Take a virtual tour of our hospital and familiarise yourself with our versatile training equipment and infrastructure.

What sets us apart

You are in good hands with us: At Bethesda Hospital, we have been dealing with the musculoskeletal system for many years - this area is one of our core competences and we offer you the best prevention and training options in Basel and north-western Switzerland.

With us, you will find excellent specialist staff who will provide you with personalised, targeted and motivated advice and support. Combined with our typical personal atmosphere, we offer you the ideal environment for ideal health prevention and the ideal conditions for your personalised recovery process after an injury or rehabilitation stay.

Bethesda Hospital is the only clinic in Switzerland to have been awarded five out of five possible stars for its medical training therapy. The reason for this excellent certification is the following quality features:

  • There is always at least one qualified specialist in the training centre who coaches customers dynamically during training and is available to answer spontaneous medical questions
  • Individual counselling and introductory sessions with a health questionnaire and a training plan tailored to the customer's needs
  • Endurance equipment for at least five types of exercise
  • various group fitness classes
  • All employees have valid first aid training as well as training in the assessment and initial treatment of acutely ill or injured persons.

Get in touch with us and find out more without obligation.

Contact hours (registration for therapy & training):

  • Monday to Thursday from 07.30 to 17.30 - by telephone until 18.00
  • Friday from 07.30 to 17.00
  • No appointments at the weekend

opening hours / training times:

One of the most important success factors in this classification is the quality of care and training provided by our staff: Our medical training therapy customers and patients benefit from the competent Bethesda physiotherapy team.

Get in touch with us and find out more without obligation.

Contact hours (registration for therapy & training):

  • Monday to Thursday from 07.30 to 17.30 - by telephone until 18.00
  • Friday from 07.30 to 17.00
  • No appointments at the weekend

opening hours / training times:

The additional designation "Medical" means that, in addition to the physiotherapy team, medical specialists are also available to help with pain or questions about the training plan. This enables interdisciplinary collaboration and networking.

We are here for you.

The best interdisciplinary treatment

Because musculoskeletal complaints are often very complex, we work closely with the teams in related areas. Together, we work hard for you - so you are always in good hands with us and receive the treatment that is tailored to your condition. We work on an interdisciplinary basis in the following areas:

Das Spezialistenteam der belegärztlich geführten Handchirurgie deckt das gesamte konservative und chirurgische Behandlungsspektrum rund um die Hand, den Vorderarm und den Ellbogen ab.

Mehr zur Handchirurgie

Die Physiotherapie ist zentraler Teil unseres Fokusbereichs «Bewegungsapparat» und gehört zu den Schlüsselqualifikationen des Bethesda Spitals. Mit viel Erfahrung und Einfühlvermögen begleitet Sie unser vielseitig ausgebildetes Team über den gesamten Behandlungsweg. Wir behandeln und beraten Sie sowohl ambulant wie auch stationär, bei Verletzungen, vor und nach Operationen sowie bei Erkrankungen des Bewegungsapparats.

Zur Physiotherapie

Die vom Universitätsspital geführte Orthopädie Klinik am Bethesda Spital betreut neben dem Hauptstandort einen zweiten Standort am Bethesda Spital. Hier erhalten orthopädische Patientinnen und Patienten Zugang zu universitärer Medizin in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Bethesda Spital.

Mehr zur Orthopädie

Die Kompetenz des Bethesda Spitals im Bereich der Rehabilitation knüpft an unser Fokus "Bewegungsapparat" an und verbindet somit “unter einem Dach” das multiprofessionelle und interdisziplinäre Management der Patientenanliegen im Sinne des ganzheitlichen Behandlungspfades. Wo nötig werden Therapiestrategien, rehabilitative Strategien und präventive Strategien gemeinsam mit den Spezialisten verschiedener medizinischer und paramedizinischer Fachrichtungen beurteilt und gegebenenfalls neu aufgegleist. Dabei unterstützend werden hoch entwickelte Technologien eingesetzt wie Magnetresonanztomographie, Knochendichtemessung oder Ultraschall. Wir zeigen Einfühlungsvermögen und stehen für die Mitbestimmung durch partnerschaftliche Kooperation mit dem Betroffenen.

Mehr zur Rehabilitation

Beschwerden am Bewegungsapparat sind sehr häufig, oft äusserst schmerzhaft und mit Einschränkungen verbunden. Zudem können sie viele verschiedene Ursachen haben. Manchmal weisen rheumatische Beschwerden auf eine ernste systemische Erkrankung hin. Am Bethesda Spital finden Sie die Rheumatologie und die Schmerzmedizin in einer Klinik vereint – so stimmen die verschiedenen Fachärztinnen und -ärzte die Behandlung genau auf Ihre Bedürfnisse ab.

Zur Klinik Rheumatologie/Schmerzmedizin

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Our specialists have summarised the most common diseases that we treat in our clinics for you. Find out about symptoms, frequency and treatment options here.

We are happy to take time for you - the disease database is in no way intended to replace a personal consultation.

Courses & Events

Sanfte Gymnastik & Stretching

Dienstag, 18.07.2023 – Dienstag, 30.06.2026
18:00 – 19:00 Uhr

To all courses & events

Your advantages at Bethesda Hospital

We provide interdisciplinary excellence in medicine, care and therapy, promote innovation and are at the cutting edge of research and technology. Personalised care in a family atmosphere, our excellent hotel facilities and the quiet location in the park support your recovery.

Ausgezeichnete Pflege und Hotellerie im Bethesda Spital

Excellent hotel business

Interdisciplinary support

Your advantages
Bethesda Spital ist Mitglied bei Swiss Leading Hospitals (SLH)

Multiple certifications